Proposition 1 will ensure that Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA) can continue meeting the needs of our community. Algona, Auburn and Pacific residents rely on VRFA for quality fire protection, life safety and emergency response services. VRFA has maintained outstanding service levels despite rapid growth in population and call volumes.
Proposition 1 will help safeguard our community at very little extra cost: less than $1 per month for the owner of an average $350,000 local home. It will restore the VRFA property tax levy to $1 per $1,000 of assessed value, which voters approved when forming VRFA, and allow reduction of fire benefit charges in 2021.
This rebalancing of property tax and fire benefit charges to more closely reflect VRFA’s original funding mix will provide VRFA with financial flexibility to respond to the changing needs of our community. Not doing so will limit VRFA’s options, reduce its ability to make important investments that benefit us all, and eventually lead to reduced service levels.
VRFA strongly protects not only our physical safety but also our public dollars. They serve us well. We must continue supporting them to help maintain a strong and healthy community. Please vote yes!
Submitted by: Debbie Christian, George Frasier, Lynn Norman,