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Tahoma School District No. 409

Proposition No. 2

Technology Capital Projects Levy


The Board of Directors of Tahoma School District No. 409 approved Resolution No. 2019-21 concerning a technology modernization levy. This proposition authorizes acquiring educational and operational technology, equipment, software, staffing, training and technical support; and authorizes the following excess levies for such purposes on all taxable property within the District:



Estimated Levy
Assessed Value















all as provided in the Resolution. Should this proposition be approved?



Passage of Proposition No. 2 would allow the levy of $16,800,000 in property taxes within Tahoma School District No. 409 for collection each year in the years 2021 through 2024, inclusive, to fund construction, renovation, improvement and expansion of new and existing facilities, make improvements to technology equipment and training, modernize educational facilities through the acquisition and installation, implementation and management of computer technology and technology systems, facilities and projects including but not limited to enhancing infrastructure, acquiring hardware, licensing software, and implementing online applications, and training related to modernization, instruction and installation of the foregoing as part of the District’s technology systems, facilities, or projects; including, but not limited to, ongoing application fees, subscriptions, or licenses, upgrades and incidental services, training related to such improvements, and other capital project expenditures as approved by the Board of Directors. These taxes would be collected in the 2021-2022 through 2024-2025 school years, inclusive, and deposited in the District’s Capital Projects Fund for such improvements to meet the current and future educational programs for its students. If authorized by the voters, and based on projected assessed valuation information, estimated levy rates per $1,000 of assessed value would be $0.47 (2021 collection), $0.48 (2022 collection), $0.44 (2023 collection), and $0.40 (2024 collection). The exact levy rate shall be determined at the time of the levy.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners. To determine if you qualify, call the King County Assessor at (206) 296-7300.

Tahoma is committed to using and prioritizing technology in ways that accelerate and improve student learning. Your “yes” vote to restore the Technology Levy pays for equipment, infrastructure, training, and support staff that provide student access to computers and other learning devices at school. It also pays for teacher training and support to achieve equity in how classroom technology is used.

There is very little state or federal funding for classroom technology. Failure of the 2018 Technology Levy resulted in the District using reserve funds to temporarily maintain existing equipment and infrastructure. Staff support for students and teachers was reduced, along with training. This is not viable, long term, and puts us behind neighboring districts.

A citizen-district committee created a new education plan to guide how technology will be used. As the plan states: “Technology is an essential tool that allows our students and staff opportunities to communicate, collaborate, and create content as a community of learners to ensure that all students graduate with the knowledge and skills necessary to live, learn, and work in the 21st century.”

Let’s provide all students with accessible, functional, and necessary tools to attain both instructional goals and their own aspirations. Please vote yes!

Submitted by: Mike Hanson, Shelly Gaston, Andy McGrath,

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, §2(a))

Kevin Patterson, Director of Communication, (425) 413-3400,

18 en-US Production

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