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Riverview School District No. 407

Proposition No. 1

General Obligation Bonds - $125,000,000


The Board of Directors of Riverview School District No. 407 adopted Resolution No. 19-05 authorizing bonds to fund district-wide capital projects. This proposition authorizes the district to: (1) build a new elementary school; upgrade and/or add additional classrooms and expand the commons/multipurpose areas at both Tolt Middle School and Cedarcrest High School; upgrade safety and security systems and provide critical structural maintenance at all schools; (2) issue $125,000,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within a maximum of 22 years; and (3) levy excess property taxes annually to repay the bonds, as provided in Resolution No. 19-05. Should this proposition be:




Passage of Proposition No. 1 will authorize Riverview School District No. 407 to borrow $125,000,000 by issuing general obligation bonds. In accordance with Resolution No. 19-05 approving this proposition, the bonds will provide part of the funds to enable the District to acquire, construct, equip, modernize and make necessary capital improvements to its facilities, including, but not limited to, planning, developing, constructing and equipping a new elementary school, modernize and upgrade safety and security (including security systems, interior and exterior cameras, electronic perimeter locks, key pads, classroom door locks, entry vestibules, fencing and access gates, cell phone boosts and communications, and site and exterior lighting) at Carnation Elementary, Cherry Valley Elementary, Stillwater Elementary, Tolt Middle School, Cedarcrest High School and Riverview Learning Center, as each school requires; upgrade Art and Career and Technical Education classrooms, add additional classrooms, substantial alterations and expansion of the commons and kitchen at Cedarcrest High School; science classroom and athletic room upgrades, commons and kitchen expansion, and staff room relocation at Tolt Middle School; critical maintenance including roofing and siding, sewer/septic lift stations, fire sprinklers, fire alarm panels and devices, building controls and parking lots in the District; purchase land across near Cedarcrest High School for increased parking, Science/Technology/Engineering/Math learning space, and recreational space. The bonds would be repaid out of annual property tax levies over a period not to exceed 22 years.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners. To determine if you qualify, call the King County Assessor at (206) 296-7300.

Yes vote for safer better educated kids!

Yes for district wide security systems and protocols; new elementary school; expand Cedarcrest High School and Tolt Middle School; critical maintenance and tech updates.

Yes for state-of-the-art security systems, including fully electronic perimeter locks, keypad entrances and secured classrooms. Add entry vestibules, build fencing and access gates, upgrade communication/cellular systems to support emergency response protocols and add interior/exterior lighting district wide. Yes for a New Elementary School, because as you know, we are running out of space, and at half a million for every portable, we are better off planning long-term and getting our kids into proper classrooms. The high school, middle school, and all our elementary schools will be provided necessary maintenance and major updates; from replacing ailing roofs, adding classrooms, and crucial modernization of the Art, Athletic, and Science facilities, to education and access to cutting edge technology.

Our children must have a secure, technologically relevant education to ensure both their, and our community’s, success. This Bond will furnish a long-term child focused solution. What is the cost you? Net, $1.09 per $1,000 appraised property value. For 125 Million in modernization and security updates? Yes, our kids deserve your vote, Yes!!!

Submitted by: Kim Lisk, Shannon Draughon, Kelly Russell,

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

60% yes vote with minimum turnout of no less than 40% of voters voting in district at last general election (Wash. Const. art. VII, §2(a))

Meisha Robertson, Director of Business & Support Services, (425) 844-4500,

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