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Auburn School District No. 408

Proposition No. 1

Educational Program and Operations Replacement Levy


The Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 1295 concerning educational funding. This proposition authorizes the District to levy the following excess taxes, to replace an expiring levy, on all taxable property within the District, to support the District’s educational program and operations not funded or fully funded by the State:



Estimated Levy
Assessed Value















all as provided in the Resolution subject to legal limits at the time of levy. Should this proposition be approved?



Passage of Proposition No. 1 would allow the levy of $37,652,132 in property taxes within Auburn School District No. 408 for collection in 2021, the levy of $41,187,668 for collection in 2022, the levy of $45,055,190 for collection in 2023, and the levy of $49,285,872 for collection in 2024. Passage would fund educational programs, including all athletics and activities, staffing for school resource officers, family engagement, school psychologists, safety officers, health techs and nurses; special education programs including staffing and specialized support for students; extended learning opportunities for students; and college and career readiness activities, which are not funded or fully funded by the State. In accordance with Resolution No. 1295 approving this proposition, these taxes would be collected over four years and used for the district educational program and operations to replace the expiring levy. If authorized by the voters, and based on projected assessed valuation information, estimated levy rates per $1,000 of assessed value would be $2.50 (2021 collection); $2.50 (2022 collection); $2.50 (2023 collection); and $2.50 (2024 collection). The exact levy rate shall be adjusted based upon the actual assessed value of the property within the District at the time of the levy.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners. To determine if you qualify, contact your county assessor.

We urge a Yes vote for renewal of the Educational Program & Operations Replacement Levy. The levy renewal funds services and activities not paid for by the state: $8 million for special education, All athletics and activities, career & college readiness activities, just to name a few. District voters have time and again demonstrated overwhelming support for school funding; we ask you to again invest in the instruction and programming that produced the excellent district-wide learning outcomes. Levy renewal does not increase your tax rates. School administration’s prudent fiscal management, retiring debt and on-time and on-budget construction demonstrate accountability to district voters. There is no relief or plan in place from Olympia for fully funding education in the state. Auburn has always invested in education and our students’ success –Please vote Yes to renew the levy and keep Auburn’s schools strong.

Submitted by: Cari Manry, Casey Anderson, Demi Troncoso,

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple majority (Wash. const. art. VII, §2(a))

Cindi Blansfield, Associate Superintendent of Business and Operations, (253) 931-4930,

18 en-US Production

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