Vashon Park District has worked hard over the years to get on solid financial footing. VES field is completed with new lights. We have a year round pool enjoyed by youth and seniors. The days of living on borrowed money are over.
Now is the time to move forward and complete the maintenance that has been deferred. This levy money will be approximately a 34% increase, about $450,000 more collected. Over the next four years, this will allow us to tackle essential infrastructure projects and needed maintenance: to Agren and BARC fields, Lisabeula and Agren parking lots, major work on Belle Baldwin house, Inspiration Point wall, various projects at Point Robinson, install restrooms at all our parks, and work on invasive species remediation.
Our numerous parks are used by 1,000s of youth and even more adults. Our parks allow us to get outside, enjoy nature and keep fit. Our youth have many opportunities to participate in sports. What is lacking are programs for our seniors. The Park District is hoping that this levy money will change that.
The Park District’s only money comes from this levy. With your support, we can continue to build a great park district for all.