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King County Fire Protection District No. 27

Proposition No. 1
Proposed Merger into King County Fire Protection District No. 10

The Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 27 passed Resolution No. 2019-2 concerning this proposition to merge with King County Fire Protection District No. 10. If approved, this proposition would result in a merger of District 27 into District 10 with an effective date to be determined by the Boards of Commissioners of the two districts and shall be prior to August 1, 2019.

Should this proposition be approved:



This proposition will authorize the merger of King County Fire Protection District No. 27 into King County Fire Protection District No. 10. Both fire districts currently provide fire protection and emergency medical services within their boundaries and have a history of working cooperatively. The Commissioners of both fire districts have determined that a merger of the two organizations into a single fire department is in the best interest of the District’s residents.

If a majority of the registered voters of District 27 vote for merger, then the merger will be effective on a date to be determined by concurrent resolutions of the Board(s) of Commissioners, but prior to August 1, 2019. If merger is approved, District No. 27 will be dissolved and the boundaries of King County Fire Protection District No. 10 will expand to include all areas currently in District 27. The merged district will be funded by a property tax and a fire benefit charge. The existing commissioners of both Districts will govern the merged district until the number of commissioners is reduced according to law.

Over the last 20 years, Fall City Fire Department has made many proactive changes to meet the needs of the community. Now it is proposing to merge with another fire district to improve emergency services and save taxpayers money while maintaining local control.

Better service. We will have additional emergency personnel to respond to 911 calls. We also will have personnel trained to respond to water, hazardous materials, and technical rescue calls. There will be additional apparatus to respond and access to specialized equipment, such as a ladder truck.

Less cost. Taxpayers will save $285,000 in annual operating costs. (You can look up your property tax savings on the web site below.) High cost items (such as stations, apparatus and equipment) will be shared by more people, which reduces the amount for taxpayers.  This merger will provide long term stability and financial survivability as well.

Maintains local control. We will continue to have elected representation on the Board of Fire Commissioners. Our local firefighters can continue to serve Fall City, and have access to improved training programs to improve their skills to benefit our community. Please join us in voting “Yes” on Proposition 1. 

We all love Fall City!  We’ve consistently voted funding for firefighter salaries, operations, vehicles and remodeled station.  In turn they provide services focused on the needs of our local community. Career and trained volunteer firefighters provide 3-person crews almost 100% of the time, with 12 career firefighters budgeted in 2019 to further improve coverage.  Our district is financially strong with a 2019 reserve of $1.7M and will be debt-free in 2021.

Merging with Fire District 10, we’d lose local control, accountability and assets we’ve paid for. FD10 staffs Eastside Fire & Rescue, focused on regional service for 5 agencies. Projected savings for homeowners from their Fire Benefit Charge can’t be verified; State Auditor, “Inaccurate financial reports limit access to financial information…”  Their FBC disproportionately impacts businesses.  If we lose our businesses we lose the core of our community.  Lower value homes would pay more, hurting those with less ability to pay and fixed incomes.  The FBC can be raised annually by FD10 commissioners without voter approval.  Fall City would be small voting base in FD10 decisions and could end up paying for others’ needs.

We stand to lose more than can be gained.  Merging with FD10 is irreversible.  Vote No!

Many fire districts are merging to improve service and save taxpayers money. This merger will provide more firefighters and apparatus to respond to emergencies. It also saves taxpayers $285,000 in annual operating costs, which means lower property taxes.
Local control is maintained. Fall City residents will continue to have elected representation on the Board of Fire Commissioners. Our local firefighters will have access to better training and can continue to serve Fall City.

Submitted by: Gary Smith, Jay Bluher, Brandon Bothwell, 

Why did FD10 approach FD27 to merge?  To get our money and station!  Our firefighters want it for higher pay and benefits.  They say merging will increase service.   Not True!  Other agencies automatically respond to major incidents now. They say our taxes will decrease.  Maybe a few dollars for some of us, and it’s doubtful over time.  It’s not worth it!

Don’t be fooled by the propaganda.  Don’t give away our fire department!  Vote No!

Submitted by: Kevin J. Hauglie, Dave Hart, Nora Hightower,

Simple majority (RCW 52.06.050)

For questions about this measure, contact: Chris J. Connor, Fire Chief, 425-222-5841,

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