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King County Water District No. 45

Proposition No. 1

Proposed Merger into King County Water District No. 20


The Board of Commissioners of King County Water District No. 45 passed Resolution No. 349 concerning this proposition to merge with King County Water District No. 20. If approved, this proposition would result in a merger of District 45 into District 20 effective upon the certification of the election results. Should this proposition be approved:




If the proposed merger is approved, then King County Water District No. 45 (KC 45) will merge into and become King County Water District No. 20 (KC 20) upon certification of the election result. The current commissioners of KC 20 will continue to serve as commissioners for the newly-merged KC 20, and the current commissioners of KC 45 will resign from their commissioner positions upon certification of the election result. All funds and property of KC 45 shall vest in and become the property of KC 20. District operations shall be directed from the current KC 20 office building. The current ratepayers of KC 45 will become ratepayers of KC 20 with no disruption in water service because the merger will combine existing water services currently available to ratepayers of both districts. The districts are physically adjacent, share water mains and reservoirs, and both purchase wholesale water from Seattle. Both districts provide only water services; current KC 45 residents will continue to receive sewer services from Southwest Suburban Sewer District. If approved, the merger will result in a reduction in monthly water rates for KC 45 customers.

Simple Majority (RCW 57.36.040)

For questions about this measure, contact: For questions about this measure, contact: Jacob Stillwell, Attorney, 425-450-4276, 

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