Citizens of the Northshore Fire District have wholeheartedly supported the work of our fire department, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians. We have one of the finest departments in the Northwest. Its professional team of well-trained staff has proven itself repeatedly in the performance of its duties. For over three decades our citizens have voted to authorize this benefit charge to support the department’s operating budget.
This is not a new tax, but must be approved by voters every six years. It is time to renew that commitment once again. In 2013, voters approved this measure by 88%. Voters have approved each renewal since 1989. By supporting this renewal, the revenue for the fire district remains stable. The benefit charge provides a vital and reliable source of revenue for planning, equipment maintenance and replacement, and property protection.
This is a crucial investment in our community, one which we will be glad we made in case our own family needs emergency assistance, or we face a natural disaster or public safety crisis. Join us in continuing the commitment to maintaining our excellent fire department. Please vote to approve this measure.
Submitted by: Eric Adman, Jo Ann Evans