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Pierce County Rural Library District

Proposition No. 1
Levy Lid Lift 

The Board of Trustees of the Pierce County Rural Library District adopted Resolution No. 2018-07 concerning an increase in the District's regular property tax levy.  If approved, Proposition No. 1 will authorize the District to restore its regular property tax levy rate to its fully-authorized level of $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for collection in 2019 to provide stable funding to maintain library services.  The 2019 levy dollar amount will be used to compute the limitation for subsequent levies as provided in chapter 84.55 RCW; all as provided in Resolution No. 2018-07.  Should Proposition No. 1 be:



This proposition will restore Pierce County Library District’s funding to the legally authorized limit by increasing the District’s levy rate by 10¢ per $1,000 of assessed value for collection in 2019. Approval would enable the District to maintain library services the public said are a priority for growing and changing communities: books and materials, staff help, learning classes, computers, and technology. Voters passed a restored levy in 2006, which the District stretched to last twice as long as originally planned. During that time, the District’s service area population increased 16%, cardholders increased 63%, and checkout of books increased 33%. To manage its budget, the District eliminated, reduced, or did not offer services totaling $20 million.

Rejection would mean that services from the 2006 levy—hours, books, and classes—would be reduced. Without the restored levy, services would be eliminated and reduced in 2019 and subsequent years: fewer open hours, books and materials, classes and events, and closing 2-3 libraries.

To the owner of an average home assessed at $320,000, the restored levy would be approximately a $32 increase in 2019. The resulting levy amount would be used to calculate the statutory limitations on future levy increases for 2020 and thereafter.

With 20 libraries, 1.5 million books and materials, computers, and online access, Pierce County Library strengthens our community, economy, schools, and quality of life.

Since 2006 Pierce County’s population has grown 16% and library cardholders have increased 63%. As a result, costs to run the libraries are higher than revenues from property taxes. The Library stretched its 2006 levy to last twice as long as anticipated, but restoring funding is needed to keep up with inflation and demand.

Without this levy, services will decrease up to 21% and as many as 3 libraries will close. This investment of less than $2.75 more per month for the average property owner will maintain current services. By supporting this levy, you will ensure the Library provides books, open hours, technology, and classes for 602,000 people in the service area.

Vote Yes and maintain valued library services now and for future years.

Submitted by: J.J. McCament, Tad Navle, Dona Ponepinto,

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction

Simple majority (RCW 84.55.050)

For questions about this measure, contact: Mary Getchell, Marketing and Communications Director, 253-548-3428,

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