With 20 libraries, 1.5 million books and materials, computers, and online access, Pierce County Library strengthens our community, economy, schools, and quality of life.
Since 2006 Pierce County’s population has grown 16% and library cardholders have increased 63%. As a result, costs to run the libraries are higher than revenues from property taxes. The Library stretched its 2006 levy to last twice as long as anticipated, but restoring funding is needed to keep up with inflation and demand.
Without this levy, services will decrease up to 21% and as many as 3 libraries will close. This investment of less than $2.75 more per month for the average property owner will maintain current services. By supporting this levy, you will ensure the Library provides books, open hours, technology, and classes for 602,000 people in the service area.
Vote Yes and maintain valued library services now and for future years.
Submitted by: J.J. McCament, Tad Navle, Dona Ponepinto, www.yespiercelibrary.com