Islanders value our safe community, abundant parks and high quality of life. However, our city faces a financial crisis that will reduce funding for police/fire services, school resource officers, school counseling, senior services, and parks programs and maintenance.
Since 2007 state law limits the annual growth of MI City revenue from your property taxes to 1%, unless voters choose otherwise. For more than 10 years, the City has lived with this limit by tightly managing expenses, driving efficiencies, and dipping into reserves.
A comprehensive study by a diverse citizens’ advisory group, an independent financial expert, and the City Council found that with regional inflation above 3% annually, and the need to balance the budget and maintain prudent reserves, the City can no longer avoid service cuts through efficiencies alone.
Proposition 1 preserves essential services and commits the City to further accountability and cost-reduction programs. It will cost the average home owner $1.02 a day ($374 a year) over the next six years.
Keep our island strong and vote yes for police, fire, kids and parks. For more information, see