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City of Bothell

Proposition No. 1
Public Safety Levy Lid Lift

The Bothell City Council passed Ordinance No. 2253-(2018) concerning increased regular levy funding for public safety purposes.

If approved, this proposition would increase public safety funding for new fire, police and traffic officers, mental health professionals and support staff, and other public safety expenses. The maximum 2019 levy rate would be $1.96/$1,000 of assessed value (an estimated $220 increase on a $500,000 home). The limit factor for levy increases through 2024 (based on the 2019 levy) would equal inflation, measured by CPI-W. The 2024 levy would be used to calculate levy limits under state law through 2030.

Should this proposition be approved?



The City of Bothell proposes a 12-year levy lid lift to increase funding for public safety services. With passage of Proposition 1, the City expects to fund 27 new positions: 13 police officers; 6 firefighters; 5 civilians within the Police Department; 2 IT and facilities staff members to support police and fire; and a probation officer.

Increased resources for the Police Department will fund a patrol swing shift providing more police during the busiest hours; a Community Crime Reduction Team to actively target crime trends; more traffic enforcement; improved responses to people affected by behavioral crisis; and increased police outreach and engagement in our schools and community.

Additional firefighters will staff another Medical Aid Unit, increasing the availability of emergency medical services. Funding an additional probation officer will allow the Municipal Court to better monitor and supervise individuals on probation. Other requested staff will provide support to meet new legal and technological requirements.

If approved, the maximum regular property tax rate the City will levy for 2019 is $1.96 per $1,000 of assessed value. This is an increase of approximately $0.44 per $1,000, resulting in an estimated increased payment of $220 per year ($18.33 per month) for a $500,000 home.

Bothell’s police and fire departments urgently need additional resources to serve and protect our community.  While Bothell’s population increased by 15,000 since 2003, department staffs have been essentially flat due in part to the city taking no property tax increases for 8 years during the recession. Key public safety services are chronically short on staff and resources to address basic and emerging community needs.

Additional officers will increase neighborhood presence to deter crime. A dedicated community crime reduction team will focus on property crimes such as “porch pirates”, car prowls and traffic safety enforcement. Mental health and addiction crises will be served more effectively with a mental health staff member assisting police and a school safety and outreach officer. Proactive crime prevention programs and crime investigations will be improved with additional dedicated staff.

Fire department calls increased proportionally with Bothell’s growth, yet the department remains at 2003 levels, when the population was 33% smaller. This levy adds six firefighters and an aid car for quicker response times for emergency medical services, as well as critical support staff for the department.

More information, see:

Please vote Yes to ensure high quality police and fire department services for our community.

Submitted by: Del Spivey, Cary Westerbeck,

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple majority (RCW 84.55.050)

For questions about this measure, contact: Barbara Ramey, Public Information Officer, 425-806-6144,

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