Renew AFIS, An Essential Crime-Fighting Tool
For over 30 years the voter-approved Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) has been the preeminent crime-fighting tool for police in King County’s 39 cities and unincorporated area. Using state of the art technology and highly trained, nationally accredited staff, the AFIS Program ensures all King County law enforcement officers can use fingerprints and palm prints to identify suspects and solve crimes.
Real Efficiency, Lower Cost
This levy renewal proposal is fiscally responsible. In preparing to ask voters to renew the levy, the AFIS Program reviewed its operations and found ways to eliminate 11 full time positions while still providing the same high-quality, professional service to King County law enforcement agencies. The new AFIS levy will collect $1.5 million less in 2019 than it did in 2018. The owner of a $600,000 home will pay only $21 in 2019 for this fundamental public safety tool.
Your yes vote will maintain, replace, or restore existing technology and operations for the next six years. AFIS is an essential crime fighting tool and the AFIS Program has a proven track record of managing the public’s money well. We ask you to vote yes on Proposition 1.
Submitted by: Mitzi Johanknecht, Claudia Balducci, Andy Hwang