Vote yes for our schools and community by renewing this levy. A yes vote enables Tahoma to continue providing quality education, supporting our strong property values, healthy economy and desirable community.
Renewing the levy helps Tahoma maintain existing programs, staffing and services while the state adjusts to the new education funding model. In 2019, if you combine this 2-year levy at $1.50 per $1,000 and the new state education tax of 95 cents, the rate is less than what you’re paying now. For example, on a $400,000 home, the cost would be $220 less annually.
Examples of what is funded entirely or in part through levy dollars: security; nurses; special education; support for struggling students; every sport; all activity programs including drama, band, robotics; transportation; expanded electives at middle school; before and after-school care; zero-hour classes; new models including THS 8-period day, elementary art, elementary Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM); summer school; community use of facilities.
The district is committed to meeting expectations of transparency, accountability, and sustainability. For details, visit
Levy failure endangers the district’s programs for students, and its excellent fiscal rating.
When levies fail, the entire community suffers. Vote yes to maintain our outstanding district!