Kent’s RFA wants to increase your fire cost 58% More: Increase Your property tax 23% and FBC 35%!
$203 increase by RFA on median Kent home!
State Auditor found RFA increased FBC 53% since 2011. Ask SAO for H15-445
Audit: RFA credit card charges increased $75,000 to whopper $300,000.
Audit: expenses charged on RFA card, summer events, birthday parties, selfie stick, cd burner, online diet pills, AirBnB, huge food expenses, personal charges!
On top of tax and FBC, RFA charges Kent KOA $50 per camping space! Are Your deck and driveway next?
Your three car drive way: $150.00?! Your deck: $50?! All improvements at risk!
Google ‘RCW 52.18’, see yourself.
Audit: RFA repeatedly violated state bid law: $ 1.4mil fire trucks!
Google ‘Kent RFA resolution waive competitive bid’, see yourself.
RFA governing board approved each bid waiver, FBC increase, credit card slush fund.
Three RFA governing board members sponsored by RFA: RFA pays their election costs + salaries of $114 a day, whether on clock 1 min or 1 hour.
FD37 exists only on paper, RFA pays all FD37 expenses, RFA claims FD37 commissioners “govern” the RFA!
No Puget Sound RFA Prop 1
Google ‘No fire benefit charge scheme’