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Vashon Island School District No. 402

Proposition No. 1
Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operation Levy

The Board of Directors of Vashon Island School District No. 402 adopted Resolution No. 756, concerning a proposition to finance educational programs and operation expenses. This proposition would support the District to meet its educational goals by levying the following excess taxes, in place of an expiring levy, on all taxable property within the District, for support of the District’s General Fund educational programs and operation expenses not funded by the State:


Levy Rate/$1,000
Assessed Value


2019 $1.50 $4,556,285
2020 $1.50 $4,784,099
2021 $1.50 $5,023,304
2022 $1.50 $5,274,470

Should this proposition be approved?



Passage of Proposition 1 would allow the Vashon Island School District to replace an existing educational programs and operation levy that will expire at the end of calendar year 2018.  The proposed four-year replacement educational programs and operation tax levy would authorize collection of taxes to provide up to $4,556,285 in 2019, $4,784,099 in 2020, $5,023,304 in 2021, and $5,274,470 in 2022.  The tax levy rate required to produce these levy amounts is estimated to be $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value.  The exact tax levy rate and amount to be collected may be adjusted based upon the actual assessed value of the taxable property within the District and the limitations imposed by State law at the time of the levy.

The taxes collected by this levy will be deposited in the District’s General Fund and used to meet the educational needs of students and pay expenses of educational programs and operation that are not fully funded by the State of Washington.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners.  For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments, 206.296.3920.

Every four years Vashon voters are asked to renew the Vashon Island School District’s “Program and Operations Levy” to ensure that our school programs and services continue to be among the best offered in our state.  This year’s renewal is as crucial to our schools as any past levy has been.

While the Washington State Supreme Court has mandated in its McCleary decision that the Legislature fully fund basic education in our state, the Legislature’s new funding model remains a “work in progress” that only begins to pay the costs of the State’s definition of “basic education”.  However, the legislation fell short of meeting the Court’s requirement and leaves our district extremely dependent upon continuing levy support to deliver the quality of education our community demands.

Our levy represents 19.9% of our total general fund budget and makes it possible to go beyond “basic” to support teachers with high quality training, ensure special needs students receive effective support, provide for additional counselors and para-professionals, and support options such as AP courses, music, art and enrichment.  These enhancements ensure a stable teaching force with the tools needed to deliver outstanding instruction.

Please vote yes to ensure the future of our children!

Vashon Island hasn't failed a school levy in over 40 years.  In the last four decades the school district  has lavished its self with enrichment.   The schools have the people and money to run big campaigns.

The build-up of the schools has had serious growth consequences in the last few years.  More families moving to vashon bid-up real estate prices and lengthen ferry lines.  How will cramming Vashon with more people do the children any good?

Why must home owners be burdened with the tax?  If the school district proposed a co-pay for enrolling children in the school, say 10% of the per student schooling cost,  I would say 'yes' to that levy.  As long as parents can enroll as many children as they please, free-of-charge, there is little incentive to prevent the next pregnancy.

No one should feel shame for voting against the school levy.  It’s simply unfair.  Parents should own-up and pay for any funding above the State minimum.   As long as levies pass, school districts will have no incentive to find alternative funding.

Don't forget to vote No.  You're lucky you still have the right.

VISD has successfully passed levies over the past 40 years because it has kept its promise to our island community to use levy funds to “go beyond basic” by providing outstanding learning and extra-curricular programs to our students.   Our students thrive in rigorous academic programs and arts, music, theater, athletics, technology, and other local levy funded opportunities. Our children are our future.  Our schools are at the heart of our community.  Please renew the levy.

Submitted by: Anne Atwell, Tami Brockway Joyce, Kevin Joyce

Vashon doesn't need the best school in the state.  The push to have it, is a display of  arrogance.   15 years ago a few people decided to get more money to move here.  It certainly has and we all have to pay.  The super school has been the most powerful driver of such growth.  If you're concerned about future affordability: Your No vote is critical.  Remember takes 50%.

Submitted by: Jeff Schnelz

Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: Jodi Burwell, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent 206-463-8534,

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