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Bellevue School District No. 405

Proposition No. 1
Replacement for Educational Programs and Operations Levy

The Board of Directors of Bellevue School District passed Resolution No. 17-16 concerning this proposition to maintain current educational funding. To continue high quality programs that are not state funded, this authorizes the District to levy the following excess taxes replacing an expiring levy on all taxable property within the District:


Levy Rate/$1,000
Assessed Value




2020 $0.99 $74,000,000







as provided in the Resolution, subject to legal limits at time of levy. Should this proposition be approved?



Passage of Proposition No. 1 would replace an expiring levy and allow for a levy up to $68,000,000 in property taxes within Bellevue School District for collection in 2019, a levy up to $74,000,000 for collection in 2020, a levy up to $79,000,000 for collection in 2021, and a levy up to $83,000,000 for collection in 2022.  In accordance with Resolution No. 17-16 approving this proposition, these taxes would be deposited in the Bellevue School District’s General Fund. These additional funds pay for the day-to-day classroom operational needs that are not funded by the state such as the seventh period at high schools and middle schools; orchestra, band, music and art at elementary schools; world language at middle schools; special education; gifted programming; and athletics, extra curricular activities and other after school programs.  If authorized by the voters, and based on projected assessed valuation information, estimated levy rates per $1,000 of assessed value would be $0.99 (2019 collection), $0.99 (2020 collection), $0.99 (2021 collection) and $0.99 (2022 collection).  The exact levy collection will be subject to the legal limits at the time of levy and the rate shall be adjusted based upon the actual amount certified and the assessed value of the property within the District at the time of the levy.

Vote Yes on this replacement levy which renews our commitment to more than 20,000 Bellevue students and reduces your tax rate.  This levy funds education programs which the state of Washington does not, and represents 22% of the district’s budget.

This levy expands students learning to include art and music in elementary schools, world languages in middle schools, and language immersion programs.   It also provides for 7th period classes and tutorial for all middle and high school students allowing them to be well-prepared for graduation and their future.  Additionally, this levy significantly funds nurses, counselors, and security as well as athletics, special education and gifted programs.

Approving this levy renews our decades-old commitment to our students – and our community – by providing a high-quality, comprehensive public education for every child in the district.

Make a difference, renew your commitment and vote yes.

The State Legislature approved Engrossed House Bill 2242; the intent of this legislation was to establish the legislative foundation for funding education for State students in compliance with Article IX of the State's constitution; and to satisfy subsequent State Supreme Court decisions regarding such funding.  The full impact of this legislation (and possible additional actions by the Legislature and Court) has not yet been determined by the Bellevue School District, King County, or other applicable regulatory agencies.  Consequently, the amount of funding to be provided by the State for District educational programs is not yet known.  Thus, it is premature to consider the imposition of new tax levies until a final determination of such funding is made.  Voters are  therefore urged to reject this proposition.

Further, the Bellevue School District and Board have not considered any alternatives to increased taxation which is directed toward educational enhancements, not basic education; neither body has provided Bellevue citizens with detailed information on why changes to the K-12 curriculum, services, and other economies could not be considered to reduce the need for possible additional funding that could eliminate the need for new taxes.  Voters are therefore urged to reject this proposition.

For decades, Bellevue has provided a more comprehensive public education than the state funds.   Months of analysis by the district and school board has concluded House Bill 2242 creates a 22% budget shortfall, hence the need for this replacement levy.  Without it, existing programs will be cut.  This levy allows our students to continue receiving a high-quality education and will replace the expiring levy.  Vote Yes for 20,000+ Bellevue students!

Submitted by: HyAnne Neff, Chris Marks

Proposition 1 should be rejected because District taxpayers have not  been provided one or more zero tax alternatives.   New and extension of existing taxes should be rejected until the State Legislature and State Supreme Court come to an agreement on what educational services the State will fund; when this is known, District taxpayers will be able to decide what, if any, additional services they desire to tax themselves for.

Submitted by: David Plummer

Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: Melissa deVita, Deputy Superintendent 425-456-4025

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