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Northshore School District No. 417

Proposition No. 1
Replacement for Educational Programs and Operations Levy

The Board of Directors of Northshore School District No. 417 adopted Resolution No. 762 authorizing a renewal educational levy. To continue high quality academic programs that are eligible activities and not state funded, this proposition authorizes the District to levy the following excess taxes, on all taxable property within the District:


Levy Rate/$1,000
Assessed Value

Levy Amount
Up To





$1.50 $58,000,000





all as provided in Resolution No. 762 and subject to legal limits on levy amounts and rates at the time of levy. Should this proposition be approved?



Passage of Proposition No. 1 would allow the levy of $57,000,000 in property taxes within Northshore School District No. 417 for collection in 2019, the levy of $58,000,000 for collection in 2020, the levy of $59,000,000 for collection in 2021, and the levy of $60,000,000 for collection in 2022, to replace an expiring levy and enable the District to pay for its educational programs and services, such levies to be made for four years commencing in 2018 for collection in the school years from 2018-2019 through 2021-2022.  In accordance with Resolution No. 762 approving this proposition, these taxes would be deposited in the District’s General Fund to pay part of the general expenses of operating the District.  General expenses of the District include employee costs (salaries), instructional materials, special programs, activities and special education, technology systems operation, transportation costs, maintenance of facilities and other non-capital expenses of operating the District schools.  If authorized by the voters and based on projected assessed valuation information, estimated levy rates per $1,000 of assessed value would be $1.50 (2019 collection); $1.50 (2020 collection); $1.50 (2021 collection); $1.50 (2022 collection).

Your Yes Vote is a commitment to our community that ensures the Northshore School District continues to be a great public-school system.

We have one of the highest graduation rates in the state, contributing to increased property values, lower crime rates and a higher quality of life.

Approving this levy will renew our commitment to give all our students the tools to prepare for college, work and life in the global marketplace.

Our state and federal governments are faltering on their commitment to fully fund basic education.  Four of the mandated 24 credits required for graduation for the class of 2019 and beyond are unfunded.  Local levy dollars fund programs like special education, academic intervention services, advanced learning, music, drama, sports and clubs that comprise over 20% of NSD’s budget.

Local commitment to education will continue to benefit Northshore graduates and community members for decades to come. Today’s students deserve the opportunity to thrive like the generations before them.

These are local tax dollars that will stay right here in our local schools! This is a replacement levy, there is not an increase in local taxes.

Vote Yes to continue our community’s legacy of supporting quality education in Northshore.

Submitted by: Aaron Moreau-Cook, Robert Pickering, Sherry Krainick

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: Lisa Youngblood Hall, Director of Communications 425-408-7671

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