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Proposed Eastside Regional Fire Authority

Proposition No. 1

King County Fire Protection District No. 10 and Fire District 38 have adopted a Joint Resolution approving the Eastside Regional Fire Authority Plan (“Plan”) concerning the creation of the Eastside Regional Fire Authority.

This proposition would approve the Plan and create the Eastside Regional Fire Authority, effective January 1, 2017, to provide fire protection and emergency medical services funded by a six-year fire benefit charge (not to exceed sixty percent of the operating budget) and a property tax (not to exceed $1.00 per thousand of assessed value or $1.50 per thousand of assessed value if the benefit charge is not collected) and other sources identified in the Plan.

Should the Plan to create the Eastside Regional Fire Authority be approved?



If voters approve Proposition 1, King County Fire Protection District No. 10 and Fire District 38 will create the Eastside Regional Fire Authority “RFA” effective January 1, 2017. The RFA will operate under a single governing board consisting of three elected commissioners from District 10 and three elected commissioners from District 38. The newly created RFA will remain a member of Eastside Fire & Rescue and will continue to receive fire protection and emergency medical services from Eastside Fire & Rescue.

The RFA will be funded by a fire benefit charge and a property tax. The fire benefit charge allocates the cost of the services provided by the RFA in reasonable proportion to the measurable benefit a property receives. The benefit charge will be based on an adjustable formula that considers the square footage and use of buildings, fire flows and allows for adjustments for sprinklers and senior citizen discounts. A property tax not to exceed $1.00 per thousand of assessed valuation will provide the additional required funding. These funding sources will replace the regular property tax levy of District 10 and 38 and will replace District 10’s current benefit charge.

The Board of Commissioners of District 10 and District 38 have determined that the RFA is more cost-effective and will more efficiently deliver fire protection and emergency medical services to their citizens. To view the complete Eastside Regional Fire Authority Plan, please visit:

For questions about this measure, contact: Jeff Clark, Fire Chief, 425-313-3200,

Immediate and looming challenges impact the provision of quality emergency services at affordable prices. Maintaining levels of service while reducing or avoiding costs require continued efforts by our Fire Commissioners to identifying stable and sustainable ways to meet our needs.

The proposed Regional Fire Authority (RFA) is the best of several considered options. Combining two well managed districts produces stability and sustainability now and in the future. Additionally the companion proposal for a Fire Benefit Charge (FBC) provides the best way to secure stable funding. The FBC recognizes different risks due to size and type of structures. The FBC for smaller structures is generally less than larger structures. Rather than a one size fits all tax rate (the case in District 38 currently), a fairer cost for services would be created.

 The FBC has been used in District 10 for 12+ years. The FBC was originally authorized by a super majority (60+%) and reauthorized six years later by a near 80% majority. Upon approval of the RFA/FBC, District 10 citizens will see the FBC slightly decrease. Most citizens in District 38 will see a slight increase in overall expense, as equalization of the rate is required by law.

Submitted by: Lee Soptich, Barry Haskins, Susan Hankins,

Simple majority for create of authority property tax; 60% yes vote for benefit charge (RCW 52.26.050)

For questions about this measure, contact: Jeff Clark, Fire Chief, 425-313-3200,


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