The City of Tukwila seeks voter approval to sell $77,385,000 in general obligation bonds for 20 years to finance the construction of three fire stations, replacing existing seismically-deficient fire facilities. This would fully fund the Tukwila Fire Department’s equipment and capital needs for 20 years, paying for critical items such as fire trucks and other life/safety equipment for Tukwila firefighters. In addition, the bonds fund a justice center to house the Tukwila Police Department and Municipal Court.
Bonds are only one part of the City’s Public Safety Plan, which also includes constructing a combined Public Works facility, funded by finding efficiencies within the City’s existing General and Enterprise Funds. If voters approve the bonds, the City Council will appoint a mandated oversight committee, made up of members of the Tukwila community, to ensure strong financial oversight and stewardship of this effort. In addition, the City will provide regular progress reports on the Public Safety Plan to the Tukwila community.
The additional tax rate associated with the bond would average approximately $0.47 per $1,000 of assessed value, for an average payment of $116 per year for the owner of a $250,000 home. More than 80% of the City’s $5 billion in assessed value is owned by commercial property owners, which would pay the same percentage of the bonds. Homeowners who are disabled, or 61 years or older, and who meet low-income requirements may qualify for a property tax exemption.
For questions, contact Deputy Police Chief Bruce Linton at (206) 431-2190,
For questions about this measure, contact: Bruce Linton, Deputy Chief of Police, 206-431-2190,