Bottom line: This is a 15% local property tax increase that is unnecessary, uncalled for, and outrageous. On top of probable county and state tax increases and Sound Transit’s ST3, it’s just too much.
City staff insists that they need this major tax increase just to pay the city’s bills, but their numbers are phony, concocted by an outside group that invents numbers. If the County Assessor hadn’t told the city (just in time) that one of those key outside numbers was wrong, this proposed tax increase would have been 50% larger!
The city is also pushing to increase the car tab fee and create a new Business & Occupancy tax. Apparently, their thirst for new and higher taxes knows no limits and shows no concern for the tax burdens citizens already carry. Meanwhile, even the most pessimistic projections say that the city won’t need any new taxes for at least two years.
Constantly spiraling taxes are not the answer. We deserve better in Shoreline. It’s time to take a stand and send a message to our city government that they need to find a better way. Vote No on Proposition 1.
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