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City of Kenmore

Proposition No. 1
General Obligation Bonds Walkways and Waterways Improvements

The City Council of the City of Kenmore adopted Ordinance 16-0422 concerning a proposition for sidewalks, bike lanes and waterfront access improvements. If approved, this proposition authorizes the City to fund new sidewalks and pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements along arterials, including Juanita Drive and 68th Avenue; construct, acquire, and improve waterfront access, viewpoints, walkways, facilities, open spaces, and natural habitats at City parks, including Log Boom, Rhododendron, and Squire’s Landing; issue up to $19,750,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within a maximum of 20 years and levy annual excess property taxes to repay the bonds, as provided in Ordinance 16-0422. Should this proposition be approved:



Passage of Proposition 1 would allow the City of Kenmore to fund pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements on arterials as well as waterfront park improvements as identified in, and prioritized through, the Imagine Kenmore community engagement process.  

Proposition 1 would provide funding to construct new sidewalks and bike lanes on (1) 68th Avenue connecting downtown Kenmore at 182nd Street to the northern City limit, and (2) Juanita Drive from Simonds Road (170th Street) to the southern City limit, including adding/extending selected left turn lanes.

Proposition 1 would also provide funding to improve public waterfront access to three of the City’s waterfront parks: (1) Log Boom Park improvements, including beach expansion, new trails and viewpoints, picnic areas, waterfront pavilion, environmental enhancements, boating facilities, and other improvements; (2) Rhododendron Park improvements, including new trails and boardwalk, improved access and parking, environmental enhancements, and other improvements; and (3) Squire’s Landing Park improvements, including new boardwalks, trails, viewpoints, environmental enhancements, boating facilities, parking, and other improvements.

The bonds of each series would be repaid over a period of 20 years from date of issue, and would be paid by annual excess property taxes.  Based on current projections of assessed valuations, the levy rate impact is estimated to be $0.32/$1,000 of assessed valuation, costing the typical homeowner of a $438,000 median home $11.68 per month ($140.16/year).

For questions about this measure, contact: Leslie Harris, Community Relations Manager, 425-398-8900,

Kenmore residents spoke and the city listened, with this Walkways and Waterways plan for expanded, safer walking/biking linking community hubs and major upgrades to waterfront parks. 

This proposal came from “Imagine Kenmore,” in which several hundred citizens strongly supported walking, biking and park improvements. This bond measure represents a solid community investment in a better quality of life for Kenmore residents. 

Supporting the city’s goal of zero pedestrian/bicyclist fatalities/serious injuries by 2025, new sidewalks and bike lanes along main arterials Juanita Drive and 68th Avenue would connect north and south neighborhoods to central Kenmore, providing accessible, safer walking/biking to downtown services and amenities, public transit, the Burke-Gilman Trail and parks. It would enhance safe walking/biking to schools. And it would reduce local vehicle traffic and parking, while encouraging an active, healthy citizenry.

Kenmore’s greatest natural asset is our waterfront location on Lake Washington/Sammamish River. This measure would expand public waterfront access with new park trails, viewpoints and Log Boom Park beach expansion, along with environmental enhancements, boating facilities, picnic areas and better parking at one or more waterfront parks, serving Kenmore residents of all ages.

Help Kenmore move forward toward its great potential--vote yes on Walkways and Waterways!

Poorly planned and financially irresponsible, Proposition 1 will put Kenmore into unnecessary debt, costing the average homeowner $150 per year in taxes or $3,000 over the term, to fund work you are already paying for.

The City already receives over $2.3 million a year in tax revenue which should be used for road maintenance, improvements and street safety. However, the City uses that money for operating expenses, City Hall and growing overhead instead. Let’s put that money back where it belongs.

Roughly 50% of this proposition includes unneeded development of existing parks, destroying natural habitats and building boat houses for private clubs. Is this worth going into debt over? Additionally, there are legal covenants restricting some proposed developments that require land to remain natural and open.

Combining multiple projects of this magnitude, where planning is still conceptual and the City can arbitrarily allocate funds, is reckless. Already the total cost is approaching $27.5 million with future taxes required. The City has spent nearly $300,000 on this proposition. Imagine, Kenmore, how we could have better spent that money.

Kenmore needs smarter fiscal planning with sustainable development strategies that stay within the current tax revenue. Vote No to careless planning and spending.

Walkways and Waterways reflects high community priorites for safer walking/biking, more waterfront access and better parks.

Municipal bonds commonly fund public infrastructure, while annual budgets provide essential city services. These projects will follow all applicable laws and regulations, while enhancing the environment.

These mobility and park improvements offer potential citywide economic benefits for residents and businesses.

Building a better community requires money, but this bond measure promises great value and big rewards.

Invest in Kenmore!

Submitted by: Mark Ohrenschall, Nicole Suarez, Barret Aldrich,

Don’t be misled; Proposition 1 is not about listening to citizens or reducing our traffic gridlock. It’s about debt for special projects and work you are already paying for.

Tax revenue originally intended for roads and safety is continually redistributed to support the City’s spending and overall expenses.

Let’s be smart and ensure our parks are managed and maintained for everyone without unnecessary expansion or devastating environmental impacts.

Vote No to unrealistic spending and debt!

 Submitted by: Todd Prince, Steve Colwell, John Hendrickson,

60% yes vote and a minimum turnout equal to 2,122 voters (Washington Constitution, art. VII, sec. 2(b))

For questions about this measure, contact: Leslie Harris, Community Relations Manager, 425-398-8900,


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