Passage of Proposition 1 would allow the City of Kenmore to fund pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements on arterials as well as waterfront park improvements as identified in, and prioritized through, the Imagine Kenmore community engagement process.
Proposition 1 would provide funding to construct new sidewalks and bike lanes on (1) 68th Avenue connecting downtown Kenmore at 182nd Street to the northern City limit, and (2) Juanita Drive from Simonds Road (170th Street) to the southern City limit, including adding/extending selected left turn lanes.
Proposition 1 would also provide funding to improve public waterfront access to three of the City’s waterfront parks: (1) Log Boom Park improvements, including beach expansion, new trails and viewpoints, picnic areas, waterfront pavilion, environmental enhancements, boating facilities, and other improvements; (2) Rhododendron Park improvements, including new trails and boardwalk, improved access and parking, environmental enhancements, and other improvements; and (3) Squire’s Landing Park improvements, including new boardwalks, trails, viewpoints, environmental enhancements, boating facilities, parking, and other improvements.
The bonds of each series would be repaid over a period of 20 years from date of issue, and would be paid by annual excess property taxes. Based on current projections of assessed valuations, the levy rate impact is estimated to be $0.32/$1,000 of assessed valuation, costing the typical homeowner of a $438,000 median home $11.68 per month ($140.16/year).
For questions about this measure, contact: Leslie Harris, Community Relations Manager, 425-398-8900,