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City of Issaquah

Proposition No. 1
Traffic Improvement Bonds

The Issaquah City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2774, regarding voter approval for financing traffic improvements. If approved, this proposition authorizes the City to finance capital projects designed to reduce congestion, enhance safety, and improve local streets and related amenities. It would authorize issuance of no more than $50,000,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within 25 years to be repaid by the annual levy of excess property taxes, all as provided in Ordinance No. 2774. Should this proposition be approved?



The City of Issaquah is asking voters to decide on a bond measure that would fund traffic improvement projects to reduce congestion, enhance safety and improve local streets.

Examples of projects expected to be financed include enhancements to Newport Way from Maple Street to Sunset Way; Newport Way from Southeast 54th Street to State Route 900; East Sunset Way from First Avenue to Sixth Avenue; and Southeast 43rd Way at Providence Point. The package would also pay for the issuance and selling of bonds, and associated fees.

If this measure is approved, no more than $50 million of bonds will be issued. The annual property taxes per household necessary to repay the bonds will depend upon interest rates; the timing of the issue and amount of the bonds issued; and changes in property values.

The City estimates that if all $50 million of bonds were issued at current market rates, the annual property tax rate would be approximately 33 cents per $1,000 of assessed value over the 25-year life of the bonds. For example, additional property taxes on a home assessed at $500,000 would be about $165 per year.

For more information, go to or contact Deputy City Administrator Emily Moon at 425-837-3025.

For questions about this measure, contact: Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney, 206-477-7000,

Sick of Issaquah's traffic? We all are.

With this transportation package, we’ll be able to get around town easier — to schools, parks, local businesses and our homes. We’ll make important local streets safer for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, including our youngest and oldest neighbors.

Every one of us living in Issaquah knows that traffic passing through town is clogging up our streets. That’s why the City is working aggressively with the State, King County, Sound Transit and neighboring cities to find long-term solutions to these regional problems.

Meanwhile, this bond pays for local projects we must do ourselves.

These four local road projects will benefit Issaquah residents. A citizen task force carefully chose these projects — and a way to pay for them — after months of study and extensive public input.

As Issaquah residents, we have to tackle these long-overdue, critical projects. Each one has been a priority for years, and with this package we’ll finally make them a reality.

Stand up and be counted with your yes vote — we are one community committed to tangible solutions, including this ballot measure. To learn more, go to

Let’s take real action. Vote yes.

Will this Proposition actually “fix traffic”?  No! It doesn’t offer tangible traffic flow relief, the top issue tied with growth, that citizens identified in the 2015 survey.  Issaquah’s spending priorities should focus on the needs of its citizens first, not to promote more unsustainable growth that continually relies on taxpayer money.  

Flawed Thinking:  Rents and taxes are skyrocketing now.  Issaquah is rapidly becoming unaffordable.  Congestion is the City’s responsibility, and wouldn’t be such an issue if development fees had been raised sooner, and the pace of growth moderated.  This 25 year, $50 million bond is too expensive, far too short on details, lacks any measurable commitments, and does not provide any meaningful congestion relief.  This is not a one and done Proposition.  Car tab fees, street levies, future bonds, and other new taxes are all under consideration. 

Promised, and not delivered:  These needed projects should have already been built years ago.  Providence Point and South Cove are great examples of neighborhoods held hostage by long promised traffic projects that could have been built using existing revenue streams.  Is the City neglecting needs in your neighborhood too?  What’s in this bond for you?  Please make your voice heard, and vote “No”!


They’re right. “These needed projects should have already been built years ago.”

So let’s do it. With this bond these local projects will finally get built. 

Issaquah’s unique challenges and tough realities make a simple fix impossible. That’s why the city is working on multiple solutions for our traffic mess. 

Learn how these projects fit into the big picture at

We can complain about past mistakes. Or we can keep moving forward. Vote yes.

Submitted by: Barak Rosenbloom, Keith Watts, 

For years the City has failed to prioritize, fund, and build the projects in this bond, or work effectively with the region.  Instead we got landslides, chemicals in drinking water, bulldozed trees, blue buildings, giant retaining walls and ever increasing traffic.  This bond enables Issaquah’s growth addiction to continue.  More importantly, it doesn’t address our massive traffic congestion problems.  We deserve real solutions, not more empty promises.  Trust them with your $50 Million?  Vote No!

Submitted by: Bryan Weinstein, Cory Christensen, Althea Saldanha,


60% yes vote and a minimum turnout equal to 2,666 voters (Washington Constitution, art. VII, sec. 2(b))

For questions about this measure, contact: Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney, 206-477-7000,


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