Maple Valley Fire & Life Safety is placing a “benefit charge” proposition on the August 2, 2016 ballot. This proposition meets the requirements of RCW 52.18, which allows the use of benefit charges to maintain fire district operations. A benefit charge is not a property tax. It is not based on assessed value of property, but on the relative cost of providing service. If approved, the benefit charge, in effect for six years commencing in 2017, will be based on total square footage and projected fire flows required for all types of property, utilizing a consistent and industry-accepted formula.
The District now uses a combination of the regular property tax levy and an excess levy to provide sufficient revenue to maintain services. During 2016, the tax rates were $1.33 per thousand of assessed value for the regular property tax, but a $.27 per thousand excess levy was added, to total $1.60 per thousand. With benefit charges, the regular property tax will be limited by law to $1.00 per thousand; the excess levy will be eliminated. The benefit charge will provide the remaining revenue, but on a more logical and fair basis, with charges matching costs more accurately. Benefit charges cannot exceed 60% of the operating budget.
Approval of this proposition would allow the District to maintain the current level of services, while making the assessment of charges to citizens more fair. The need for fire protection services is not based on the value of property but on many other factors.
For questions about this measure, contact: Brad Doerflinger, Fire Chief, 425-432-0200, ext. 2102,