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City of Normandy Park

Proposition No. 1
Property Tax Rate

The Normandy Park City Council passed Resolution No. 896 to place before the voters, restoration of funding for City services to previous levels.  This proposition authorizes (1) an increase in the regular property tax rate for collection in 2017 by the amount necessary to result in a total tax levy rate of $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, (2) annual increases in the levy amounts for 2018-2022 of 4% or such lesser increase as will keep the tax levy rate at $1.60 per $1,000, and (3) use of the 2022 levy amount as the basis for future levy calculations.

Should this proposition be approved?



The City of Normandy Park relies on property taxes to provide basic services such as police protection and street maintenance.

The City’s property tax revenues have not kept up with inflation, mandates by state and federal government, and the demand for services from City residents. 

Normandy Park’s 2016 property tax levy rate is approximately $1.33 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.  If this measure is passed into law, the City will be authorized to levy up to $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for collection in 2017, an increase of approximately 27 cents per $1,000.  For each of the following five years, the City will be authorized annual increases of 4% in the levy each year as allowed by Chapter 84.55 RCW. This will make Normandy Park’s property tax rate just less than the $1.60 rate for the next six years, 2017-2022.  This increase will allow the City to maintain police protection and street maintenance at current levels.  Currently, 10% of the average household’s property tax bill is allocated to the City of Normandy Park.  The proposed increase applies only to taxes that are allocated to the City, and not to the remainder of the property tax bill.

To live within its means, the City of Normandy Park has cut staffing levels, implemented cost savings methods, and explored other revenue options.  If this measure is not approved, reductions in police and street maintenance will be necessary.

For questions about this measure, contact: Debbie Burke, City Clerk, 206-248-8248,

Normandy Park is surrounded by cities overwhelmed by crime.

We must protect our families and property by insuring that we have a minimum of ten fully commissioned police officers and two non-commissioned employees to provide valuable assistance to our Officers.

It is our choice to have our very own adequately and expertly staffed police department. The alternative and risk is escalating crime, less protection and decreased valuation of our property. 

The increased cost of  27 cents per $1000 assessed valuation is a small price to pay for security.  For most of us, this is $11.25 per month on a home assessed at $500,000. The maximum of $1.60/$1000 AV is the same as cities around us.

Nothing is more valuable than your family's safety and knowing that the NP Police Department will always be there for you.

We have more than just a professional police force….we have committed, seasoned officers who provide additional services that other police departments do not.

Neighboring communities lack adequate police presence. 

Voting Yes maintains quick response times and quality police protection.

Voting Yes means:

Safety for your Children
Security for your Family
Protection for your Property
Peace of Mind.

Vote Yes on Prop. 1 today.

No statement was submitted by the deadline.

Prop 1 Naysayers want us to believe that cheaper is better or even available. It's not. You hire cheaper, you get cheaper in longer response times, less service and security. Choose to maintain our highly trained, committed and dedicated Police Department. A small increase in taxes gives peace of mind and a safe place to raise your family. We must keep crime out of Normandy Park.

Keep Normandy Park Safe! 

Vote Yes on Prop 1

Submitted by: Karen Steele, Clarke Brant, Ron Ebbers, 206-242-2902

The city’s proposed Lid Lift is structured to go on for years at a high rate. The citizens should be able to express their views on how our money is spent. The last personnel decisions cut police rather than office staff. That cost us three good officers who resigned. A “Yes” vote is not wise. Vote “No.”

Submitted by: Larry Zaitzeff,

Simple majority (RCW 84.55.050)

For questions about this measure, contact: Debbie Burke, City Clerk, 206-248-8248,

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