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King County Fire Protection District No. 45

Proposition No. 1
Levy of General Tax for Maintenance and Operations

The Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 45 adopted Resolution No. 422, concerning a proposition to adequately finance maintenance and operation costs.

This proposition provides for the support of fire protection and emergency medical services, facilities, maintenance, staffing and operations by authorizing the District to levy excess taxes in the amount of $750,000 per year for four consecutive years beginning in 2016 to be collected in each year at an approximate levy rate of $0.375 per thousand of assessed valuation (the actual rate will be based on assessed values).

Should this proposition be approved?



For a special election, districts are not required to participate in a voters’ pamphlet. Pamphlets are only printed if a district that is participating in the election requests it from King County Elections.

For this election, King County Fire Protection District No. 45 did not request to participate in the voters’ pamphlet.

For questions about this measure, contact: David Burke, Fire Chief, 425-788-1625,

Minimum number of 685 yes votes or 60% yes vote with a minimum turnout of 1,142 voters (Washington Constitution, art. VII, sec. 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: David Burke, Fire Chief, 425-788-1625,


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