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Mercer Island School District No. 400

Proposition No. 1
Capital Projects Levy

The Board of Directors of Mercer Island School District No. 400 adopted Resolution No. 638 concerning capital projects and technology. This proposition funds construction, modernization and remodeling of existing facilities, and technology improvements including equipment, infrastructure and the implementation of new technology systems for operations and instruction; and authorizes the following excess levies for such purposes on all taxable property within the District:




Collection Years

Approximate Levy
Assessed Value



Levy Amount




















as provided in the Resolution. Should this proposition be approved?



Passage of Proposition No. 1 would allow the levy of $6,218,558 in property taxes within Mercer Island School District No. 400 for collection in 2017, the levy of $6,218,558 for collection in 2018, the levy of $6,418,558 for collection in 2019, the levy of $6,518,558 for collection in 2020, the levy of $6,218,558 collection in 2021, and the levy of $6,838,558 for collection in 2022 to modernize its educational facilities and programs through the acquisition, implementation, and management of computer and technology systems, including infrastructure, hardware, software, online applications, and related training; and to maintain schools and support facilities by making needed infrastructure improvements. In accordance with Resolution No. 638 approving this proposition, these taxes would be collected over six years and deposited in the District’s Capital Projects Fund for acquiring and installing computer technology, related technology infrastructure, administrative expenses, and other necessary equipment purchases; and facility improvements. If authorized by the voters, and based on projected assessed valuation information, estimated levy rates per $1,000 of assessed value would be $0.59 (2017 collection); $0.56 (2018 collection); $0.56 (2019 collection); $0.55 (2020 collection); $0.50 (2021 collection); $0.54 (2022 collection). The exact levy rate shall be adjusted based upon the actual assessed value of the property within the District at the time of the levy.

For questions about this measure, contact:  R. Dean Mack, CFO/COO, 206-236-4522,

Mercer Islanders have a long tradition of keeping our schools strong. This levy renewal provides funding for critical capital improvements to protect our community’s investments in our schools and provide for new technology. This is a renewal of the current levy - there is no change to the existing levy assessment rate. Capital projects funded through the renewal will ensure our schools continue to have high quality educational and recreational facilities. Renovations and improvements will be made to school roofs, building infrastructure systems, classrooms, athletic fields and facilities and other maintenance requirements.  Because Washington State does not fund technology, local levy support is also needed to offer students and staff computer equipment, classroom training and access to online resources. The last levy renewal was overwhelmingly approved by Mercer Island voters. Please vote yes to keep our schools among the best in the state.

Sent in by:  Jerry Kavesh, Paul Bergman, and Mindy Smith

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple majority (Washington Constitution article VII, section 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact:  R. Dean Mack, CFO/COO, 206-236-4522,


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