Currently the Tukwila City Council serves a dual role, both as City Council Members and as Tukwila Pool Metropolitan Park District Commissioners. This ballot measure will create a change in leadership, where Tukwila Pool Metropolitan Park District Commissioners will be elected independently and directly by the voters instead of requiring the City Council to serve as pool commissioners.
The Tukwila City Council unanimously voted to place this measure on the ballot.
The reasons for this proposal are simple:
First, independently elected Metropolitan Park District Commissioners will be able to focus solely on the pool’s fiscal and operational health. The City Council has a multitude of responsibilities, in addition to the swimming pool.
Second, it allows people with a passion for the pool’s mission to provide leadership in maintaining this important community resource.
Finally, it gives more Tukwila citizens the opportunity to lead and serve their community.
This measure does not change the taxes that citizens pay to support the pool. Taxes will remain the same.
This measure does not change the operations at the pool. The only change will be in the pool leadership that oversees the operations.
Please Vote Yes on Proposition 1
Statement submitted by: Diane B. Myers and Jacqueline Carroll, 206-243-1061