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City of Normandy Park

Proposition No. 1
Property Tax Rate


The Normandy Park City Council passed Resolution No. 888 to place the funding of City services before the voters. This proposition authorizes (1) an increase in the regular property tax rate for collection in 2016 of $0.160840 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, for a total tax rate of $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, (2) annual increase of the 2017-2021 levy amounts by four percent, and (3) the use of the 2021 levy amount as the levy basis for future levy calculations as allowed by RCW 84.55. The purpose of the levy rate increase is to provide funds to maintain general government services at current levels.

Should this proposition be approved?





The City of Normandy Park relies on property taxes to provide basic services such as police protection, street and sidewalk construction, and facility maintenance.

Over the last decade, the City’s property tax revenues have not kept up with inflation, mandates by state and federal government, and the demand for services from City residents. 

Normandy Park’s 2015 property tax levy rate is approximately $1.44 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.  If this measure is passed into law, the City will be authorized to levy up to $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed valuation in 2016, an increase of approximately 16 cents per $1,000.  For each of the following five years, the City will be authorized annual increases of 4% in the levy each year as allowed by Chapter 84.55 RCW. This will make Normandy Park’s property tax rate just less than the $1.60 rate for the next five years, 2017-2021.  This increase will allow the City to maintain services, including police, street and sidewalk, and facility maintenance at current levels.  Currently, 10% of the average household’s property tax bill is allocated to the City of Normandy Park.  The proposed increase applies only to taxes that are allocated to the City, and not to the remainder of the property tax bill.

To live within its means, the City of Normandy Park has cut staffing levels, deferred street and facility maintenance, implemented efficiencies, and explored other revenue options.  If this measure is not approved, additional reductions in police and other City services will be necessary.

For questions about this measure, contact: Jennifer Ferrer-Santa Ines, Finance Director,

In 2012, Normandy Park citizens successfully voted to raise our levy rate to match those of surrounding cities. The rate was then increased to the statutory maximum of $1.60 /$1,000 Assessed Valuation for 2013, declining each year as valuations have increased. The City is limited to raising property tax collections at one percent per year without a public vote, yet the cost of City services continues to grow at approximately the rate of inflation.

Our City is primarily a residential community and is strongly reliant on property taxes. City revenues only provide enough for essential services at very lean staffing levels. There is little left in the budget to cut. If we do not raise the levy rate back to the $1.60 level, we will have to reduce City staffing, police services, and road projects for the 2016 and subsequent budgets. This could include the loss of two or more Officer positions, which would affect public safety – yours and our Officers. We are already down one Officer position.

The wording of the proposition keeps collections at, or just below, the $1.60 rate for up to six years.

Keep our City protected and our Officers safe…Vote Yes on Prop 1!

Statement submitted by: Clarke Brant,

In response to years of punishing 6% annual tax increases, Washington voters passed I-747 in 2002, limiting jurisdictions to a 1% annual increase in actual revenues.

In 2010, our local voters approved splitting the Parks District off from the city, to keep our police, increasing taxes for city services by 38.6%. In 2013, we voted again to approve an increase in the city taxes, to keep our police, permanently increasing revenues by another 13.4%.

With 2015’s projected 15% property valuation increase, Prop. 1 increases our actual taxes an additional 25% for 2016, and 6% annually for 5 more years, once again to keep our police. Will this ever stop?

Compounded with previous tax increases, it’s a whopping 263% increase in city taxes in only ten years, far more than if our taxes had increased 6% every year since I-747 was passed in 2002!

The problem is not police costs, it’s bad fiscal management by the council and staff who wasted millions in litigation costs, attorneys fees, project budgets and, yes, still want a new city hall. Of course we need more revenue, but we deserve a different, better tax package than we are offered here.

Vote No on Prop 1.

Statements submitted by: John Rankin,

No statement was submitted prior to the deadline.

Prop. 1 offers the taxpayers no tax limit protection!  Had it been in place last year when assessed valuations went from $1.06B in 2014, to $1.24B in 2015, taxes would have increased 17% in just one year.


Demand a tax plan that delivers the revenue the city needs, but also provides certainty for taxpayers.

Vote No on Prop. 1




Simple majority (RCW 84.55.050)

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