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City of Redmond

Proposition No. 1

The Redmond City Council has passed Resolution No. 1425 (AM) placing public safety and transportation maintenance funding before the voters.

This proposition supports critical public and transportation safety needs such as emergency services, school safety, property protection, roadway repair and pedestrian crossings. It authorizes an increase in the regular property tax rate in 2016 of $0.28 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, for a total rate (if only this proposition passes) of $1.77 per $1,000 of AV. The 2016 levy amount would become the base upon which increases would be computed for the next six years.

Should this proposition be approved?



The City of Redmond relies on property taxes to provide basic services such as police, fire and transportation programs.  Redmond’s current total property tax rate is $1.49 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.  The proposed increase of $0.28 per $1,000 of assessed valuation would be about a $120 annual increase to Redmond’s portion of the property tax bill (not your entire property tax bill) on an average home value in Redmond.

Redmond’s public safety departments have seen increases in demands for service as demonstrated through the 9.8% increase in calls for police services since 2012. The purpose of the levy is to support public safety needs in Police, Fire and Public Works through continuation of the 2007 levy approved by voters supporting new police and fire personnel.  The new levy would also fund additional police personnel as well as support pedestrian safety activities in school zones and roadway maintenance.  The levy increase would specifically support safety programs such as, additional police personnel to focus on property crime prevention, neighborhood outreach and evidence processing activities; police personnel to continue support of a police presence in the public schools and other community policing operations; fire personnel to support fire suppression and emergency medical services; and investments in roadway maintenance, sidewalks, crosswalks and safe pedestrian crossings.

If only this proposition passes, the City of Redmond will be allowed to levy up to $0.28 per $1,000 of assessed valuation to invest solely in the public safety and transportation programs mentioned above.

For questions about this measure, contact: Jane Christenson, Deputy City Administrator, 425-556-2107,

Redmond was rated one of the Top 5 cities to live in by Money Magazine. The magazine cites our top notch city services and its fiscal stewardship. During last year’s budget process over 1,400 residents reported that investing in public safety and infrastructure were the top two priorities

Please join us in supporting Proposition 1. This investment in Redmond will make our community a safer and better place for today’s residents and the generations to follow. 

Proposition 1 will enhance public safety by sustaining and supporting our Police Department, School Resource Officers, Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services made possible by our previous levy.  At the same time, police personnel will be added to enhance neighborhood problem-solving, local patrols, and evidence processing, with the goal to reduce property crime in Redmond.

Proposition 1 will also protect our children and seniors by improving walkability throughout our community.  The levy will sustain the pavement maintenance program for local and arterial streets.  In addition, it will enhance walkability and safety throughout the city with sidewalks, crosswalks and safe pedestrian crossings.

Say yes to Redmond. Vote yes on Prop 1.


The current proposal is, on average, a 16% increase in the City of Redmond’s property tax. When elected officials fail in their oversight responsibility to rein in government spending, their solution is to turn to what they seem to think is an inexhaustible source of funds- - the taxpayer.

Politicians often exhibit some skill in developing specious rationales for increasing taxes but “they cannot escape the numbers.” Over the past four years, taxpayer funded property taxes to the city have increased by $4,000,000. For that same period, sales tax revenue to the city has increased by nearly $5,500,000. Given other sources, the city’s overall revenue for the same period has increased by $14,750,000 or more than 10%.

These amounts of increases should surely be enough to run a city government whose house is in order and whose mayor has said “we must live within our means.” Let’s take the mayor at his word.

Please join your former mayor and two former councilmembers in voting “No” to higher property taxes!

Your investment of a $138.32 per year for the medium priced Redmond home is an efficient way to save taxpayer money by avoiding costly replacement of street infrastructure and nipping property crime in the bud before it has an opportunity to flourish.

This smart investment in safer streets and crime prevention ensures a healthy and secure community for your family and generations to come.

Please visit for specific details on Redmond Proposition 1.

Submitted by: Pat Vache, Beverly Chabot and Judith Simpson, 

According to proponents for this tax increase, Proposition 1 is a path to Nirvana.  If the city is being run as efficiently as claimed, how is it that current revenues, given all the promoted growth, are not enough to provide necessary services?  Revenues for the current budget reflect a 10% increase, $14,013,908, over the previous budget.  Citizen priorities should be funded first in the budget with existing dollars, but that’s not the case!

Vote “No.”

Submitted by: Rosemarie Ives, Richard Grubb, and James Robinson, 425-881-5587


Simple majority (RCW 84.55.050)

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