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Highline School District No. 401

Proposition No. 2
Bonds to Construct New Schools and Replace and Renovate Deteriorating Schools

The Board of Directors of Highline School District No. 401 adopted Resolution No. 15-14, concerning a proposition to relieve overcrowding and replace deteriorating, outdated schools. This proposition would authorize the District to: rebuild Highline High School, construct two new middle schools, construct a new Des Moines Elementary School at Zenith, make critical improvements at Evergreen and Tyee Campuses, and make District-wide health, safety, security, arts, technology, and other capital improvements; issue no more than $376,033,461 of general obligation bonds maturing within 21 years; and levy annual excess property taxes to repay the bonds, all as provided in Resolution No. 15-14. Should this proposition be:



This district did not request a local voters' pamphlet.

60% yes vote and a minimum turnout of 12,572 (Washington Constitution, article VII, section 2(b))

1263 en-US Production

TTY: Relay 711

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