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Highline School District No. 401

Proposition No. 1
Bonds to Construct New Schools and Replace and Renovate Deteriorating Schools

The Board of Directors of Highline School District No. 401 adopted Resolution No. 06-14, concerning a proposition to relieve overcrowding and replace deteriorating, outdated schools. This proposition would authorize the District to rebuild Highline High School, construct two new middle schools, construct a new Des Moines Elementary School at Zenith, make critical improvements at Evergreen and Tyee Campuses, and make District-wide health, safety, security, arts, technology, and other capital improvements; issue no more than $385,065,156 of general obligation bonds maturing within 21 years; and levy annual excess property taxes to repay the bonds, all as provided in Resolution No. 06-14. Should this proposition be:



Passage of this proposition would authorize Highline School District to issue no more than $385,065,156 of general obligation bonds to: rebuild Highline High School, construct two new middle schools, construct a new Des Moines Elementary School at Zenith, make critical improvements at Evergreen and Tyee Campuses, and make District-wide health, safety, security, arts, technology, and other capital improvements. 

The School Board determined that there is an urgent need for construction of new schools and replacement and renovation of existing schools due to: overcrowding, deteriorating and educationally outdated infrastructure and schools; and the needs of the District’s educational programs.  With passage of this proposition and issuance of bonds, the District anticipates receiving approximately $78,559,890 in State match and FAA noise mitigation to help complete these projects.

The bonds will be repaid from annual property tax levies in excess of regular property tax levies over a period of 21 years.  The District anticipates a tax rate increase (over the existing rate) of approximately $1.12 per $1,000 of assessed value through 2021, or $226.92 per year (or $18.91 per month) for a $201,900 home.  With this tax rate increase, the total bond tax rate will be approximately $3.15 through 2021, and thereafter, the rate will fluctuate slightly up and down for the remaining life of the bonds.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to homeowners who are 61 or older, or disabled, and who meet certain income requirements.  For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206.296.3920.

For questions about this measure, contact: Duggan Harman, Chief of Staff and Finance, 206-631-3078,

Every day in Highline, too many kids go to school in aging, deteriorating buildings and crowded classrooms. Our growing community is running out of classroom space.  We have buildings nearly a century old. Increasingly expensive repairs drain money from our classrooms. Outdated infrastructure can’t handle current technology that students need to learn and prepare for today’s jobs.  It’s time to act so every child, regardless of background or neighborhood, has a safe, modern learning environment.

This measure, developed with broad community input, addresses our most urgent problems first, while providing the additional classroom space we need for our growing student population.  

Your vote to approve will replace Des Moines Elementary and Highline High School, fund critical renovations at Tyee and Evergreen, construct two new middle schools and address problems district-wide – failing heating and plumbing systems, inadequate ventilation and leaking roofs.  If approved, all elementary schools will see smaller class sizes and schools across the district will get technology upgrades.   

Your support will help build a first-rate school system - enhancing property values, attracting employers, growing jobs and our economy – a benefit to all.

Your vote to approve is a vote for our kids, our schools, and our entire community.

The Highline School District Board (HSDB) once again wants to increase our property taxes to shoulder the burden for their dysfunctional management. The bonds issued in 2002 and 2006 will be combined with this new bond to bring our property taxes to $3.00 per $1000 of assessed valuation. This amount will increase and continue until 2035!

HSDB has failed to responsibly maintain our existing schools and continue to make poor planning decisions with disastrous results. Everyone is at risk with this tax burden. Landlords will pass on this increase with higher rents; businesses will increase consumer prices.

HSDB's destructive plan combining 6th graders with our middle schools will be a nightmare for young children who are ill equipped to deal with peer pressure from teenagers. HSDB wants to rebuild Highline High School again and relocate Historic Des Moines Elementary from its prime location to a major commuting intersection.

HSD's rating is 4 out of 10 on With escalating violence in our schools, we deserve more for our hard earned dollars. HSDB must concentrate on improving our children's education and safety, rather than building monuments to themselves.

Vote No to increased property taxes and demand Sensible Spending on Our Schools.

Every project funded by the past two construction bonds was finished on budget. Fiscally responsible bond management saved taxpayers $8 million.

When approved, this measure will leverage $78 million in matching funds.

Aging buildings have been maintained far beyond their intended lifespan, but now repairs drain money from our kids’ classrooms.  We risk millions in state funding for reduced class sizes.

This measure prioritizes critical needs.  Please approve a sensible solution for our community.

Submitted by: Dan Satterberg, Tina Orwall, Sili Savusa -


This Bond is not about educating our children.

This Bond is about money - your money for District excesses.

The District spends $670,000 on public relations, yet is negligent in directing funds to the maintenance and repair of our schools.

The new schools that were built from the previous two bonds did Nothing for our property values. Superior district schools definitely enhance property values. 

Let’s reclaim education for our children!  

Vote No on Proposition 1!

Submitted by: Laura Castronover, Karen Steele, Corey Renick, 206-436-4806

60% yes vote and a minimum turnout of 11,377 (Washington Constitution, article VII, section 2(b))

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