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City of Bothell

Proposition No. 1
Parks and Public Space Bonds

The Bothell City Council passed Ordinance No. 2149 concerning funding for parks and public spaces. This proposition would authorize the City to acquire and develop new parks, parkways, recreational improvements, public spaces and pedestrian enhancements; issue general obligation bonds in the principal amount not to exceed $42 million, maturing within a maximum of 25 years; and, levy property taxes annually in addition to regular tax levies to repay these bonds, all as provided in Ordinance No. 2149. Should this proposition be:



The City of Bothell is asking voters to consider Proposition [1], which would authorize up to $42,000,000 in bonds for park and public space improvements, and excess property taxes to repay those bonds.  The Bonds would mature within 25 years.

If approved, the projects would include: Park amenities at Bothell Landing; Main Street enhancements and extensions; Multiway Boulevard completion as a public parkway/boulevard; Acquisition and development of park land in North Bothell; Acquisition and development of open space, including the North Creek Forest; Acquisition and development of other park land throughout the City.

Although the exact amount of annual bond levies would depend on interest rates and property values, the City anticipates a bond tax rate of approximately $0.39 per $1,000 of assessed value for 2015, or $116.16 per year, ($9.68 per month) for a $300,000 home.  Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners.  For more information, please call the King County Assessor at 206-296-3920. 

For questions about this measure, contact: Joe Beck, City Attorney, 425-486-3256,

With your Yes vote on Proposition 1, you will contribute to downtown Bothell becoming a place where you can easily park your car and stay for the whole day: imagine…wide public areas along the multi-way Boulevard for street fairs, musicians, sidewalk dining; a renewed and easily accessible Park at Bothell Landing for summer concerts and picnics; vastly more places to stroll, shop and enjoy an evening with the entire family.

Outside the downtown core you will see new parks, including the community wide supported North Creek Forest, an additional large new Snohomish County park, off leash dog park, a skate park and sports fields improvements.

Your Yes vote allows the downtown improvements to add necessary infrastructure for vehicles and pedestrians for downtown high quality development. With downtown booming, increased revenue means improved roads, parks and public places throughout Bothell will become even more possible. It’s a $9.69 a month tax per $300,000 of home value. A great investment in our future.

Property owners, families, youth, senior citizens, downtown merchants, the business community, all have come together to dream this dream. It is now time to move forward in a fiscally sound manner to make that dream come true.

Don’t be deceived by this “Parks” bond proposal! Two-thirds of the money will be for downtown streets. The proposed costs include, among others: Multi-way Boulevard – $20.7 million [almost half the bond], and Main Street enhancement and extension – $7.3 million.

Calling streets “Public Spaces” is deceptive – would you picnic in the median of the seven-lane Multi-way Boulevard? This bond doesn’t even complete the plan for the Park at Bothell Landing. Meanwhile, the City continues to ignore community needs such as repairing our deteriorating streets and installing needed sidewalks.

Rejecting this bond will not stop the revitalization of downtown. Other options exist to build downtown streets, such as developer contributions, local improvement districts, grants, and one-time revenues.

The Council, without your vote, just spent over $50 million for an expensive new city hall and redirected money away from parks and roads to pay for it. Now the City needs $42 million to finish projects we were led to believe would be funded by existing resources and grants.

Increasing the tax burden unnecessarily is not responsible government. If the bond passes, your City property taxes will increase by 24%.

We would strongly support a real parks bond. This isn’t it.

Reject Proposition 1.

Voters have a historic opportunity to save a forest, complete a downtown vision and secure and improve parks for future generations. The con committee says nothing against these projects because they all have broad public support. They also require funding that the con committee suggests can be paid for by someone else.  This sounds too good to be true because it is.  Delay means higher costs from rising interest rates and construction costs.  Vote Yes!

Submitted By: Leigh Henderson, Roger Cecil, James Freese -


There is nothing “fiscally sound” about expecting our community to tax itself to fund street projects under the pretense of a “Parks” bond. 

Proposition 1 will not finish the renewal of the Park at Bothell Landing.  It only adds one new park.  It will not solve downtown parking problems.   It does not add more places to stroll.   In short, it will not finish the job.

Join concerned taxpayers in rejecting Proposition 1.  

Submitted by: Ernie Bellecy, Ann Aagaard, William Moritz -



60% yes vote and a minimum turnout of 3,663 (Washington Constitution, article VII, section 2(b))

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