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North Highline Fire District

Proposition No. 1

Shall North Highline Fire District be authorized to impose benefit charges each year for six years, not to exceed an amount equal to sixty percent of its operating budget, and be prohibited from imposing an additional property tax under RCW 52.16.160?



North Highline Fire District provides emergency medical, and fire protection service to the areas within North Highline Fire District. The District Board of Commissioners is requesting voter approval of a benefit charge. 

A benefit charge is not a property tax.  The benefit charge is a user fee designed to allocate the cost of the services provided by the District in reasonable proportion to the measurable benefit a property receives. The benefit charge will be based on a standard industry accepted formula that takes into consideration fire flows, the square footage of structures and the type of structures.

The District Board of Commissioners has determined that a benefit charge provides the fairest, most stable, reliable and cost effective method for financing the operations of the District and maintaining a satisfactory level of services.

The proposition requests voters to authorize the benefit charge to be collected for six years from 2015 through 2020. If approved by the voters, the benefit charge will be established by November 30th of each year for collection the following year. Prior to establishing the benefit charge each year, the District Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing and each year property owners will have the right to appeal the amount of the benefit charge.

For questions about this measure, contact: Mike Marrs, Fire Chief 206-243-0330


A yes vote for North Highline Fire District’s (NHFD) Proposition 1 is a vote for a fair an reliable way to guarantee continued quality fire and emergency services for our community.  NHFD relies on property taxes, which are affected by the economy and not sufficient.  NHFD has cut expenses in order to protect us, but now our fire district needs our help.  NHFD has 11 fewer employees than it did in 2008; hoses and other essential firefighting equipment and safety gear need to be replaced; our fire engines are getting old.

Proposition 1 will help keep our community and our firefighters safe while reducing property taxes from $1.50 to $1 per $1000 of assessed value.  Funding will be supplemented with a more equitable Benefit Charge based on factors such as size and use of buildings and risk.  Exemptions for low income seniors will be available and reducing risk can reduce Benefit Charges.  We will have the right to appeal assessments and vote on the Benefit Charge every six years. 

Help protect our lives, homes and businesses.  Support our North Highline Fire District.  Support the people who keep us safe.  Support our community.  Vote yes!

Statement submitted by: Barbara Dobkin and Martha Koester

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

60% yes vote (RCW 52.18.050)


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