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Lake Washington School District No. 414

Proposition No. 1
General Obligation Bonds - $404,000,000

The Board of Directors of Lake Washington School District No. 414 adopted Resolution No. 2178 concerning this proposition for bonds. This proposition authorizes the construction and equipping of new schools (three elementary, one middle, and one Science Technology Engineering and Math focused secondary school); the rebuilding of Juanita High School; an addition to Lake Washington High School; and other capital improvements; the issuance of $404,000,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within a maximum of 20 years, and the levy of excess property taxes annually to repay the bonds, as provided in Resolution No. 2178. Should this proposition be:




Lake Washington School District requests voter approval to sell $404,000,000 in general obligation bonds to finance new construction and upgrades of school facilities, including elementary, middle and high school buildings in the District. Projects include acquiring, constructing and equipping new schools to accommodate an expected increase in enrollment of 4,000 students over the next eight years including three new elementary schools, a new middle school, a West Side STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) focused secondary school, an addition to Lake Washington High School, and rebuilding and equipping Juanita High School.  The bonds would be repaid out of annual property tax levies over a period of up to 20 years.  The levy rate is estimated to increase by $0.25 cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation costing the typical homeowner ($500,000 home) $10.42 per month or $125.00 per year.  The exact amount of such annual levies for these bonds would depend on the amount of principal paid each year and on the interest rates available at the time the bonds are sold.  For further information, please go to the district’s website at

Exemptions from taxes may be available to homeowners who are 61 or older, or disabled, and who meet certain income requirements.  For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206-296-3920.

For questions about this measure, contact: Kathryn Reith Communications Director 425-936-1342

More Students Require More Schools! Vote Yes for the Lake Washington School Bond!

The February 2014 school bond measure almost passed, short just 2%. But Kirkland, Redmond and Sammamish are still growing. Today, we already have 800 new students and that’s only the beginning. By 2020, we expect 4,000 more students to enroll in our schools! As a practical first step to avoid district-wide overcrowding, LWSD rescaled the measure to address the most urgent education needs first. Those steps include building new schools, building additions to others and rebuilding an ageing and inadequate Juanita High School. A bond measure is the only way LWSD can raise the bulk of the funds to build new schools. Without this measure, the district will be forced to resort to one or more undesirable steps to educate all our children, such as eliminating all-day Kindergarten, adding even more portables to school grounds, redrawing neighborhood school boundaries and bussing children throughout the district or double-shifting--sending K-12 students to school for either a morning or afternoon full day shift.

Get the facts about cost, student enrollment growth and school construction timelines at To see endorsers and contributors for this measure, visit

We support quality schools for all of our students and teachers.  We oppose this bond because it still buries us in debt, while building palaces for some, and others remain in portables and substandard buildings. With no public notice, LWSD chose to divide the bond rejected by voters – this to pass now, the rest later.  No change in size or cost of  projects, no correction of their teardown versus remodel  philosophy, no public hearings, no input from independent  architects or builders, and no attempt to build community  consensus around an affordable option.

Voters deserve better. Monroe’s new high school cost less than half what LWSD spends, inflation adjusted.  LWSD designs are so expansive they don’t qualify for matching state funds.  The district still plans to tear down schools newer than many of our homes, including Juanita High, designed to be easily reconfigured for decades to come.

Claiming a low teaser rate, the district doesn’t disclose the sharp rise in taxes as bonds are issued, and they certainly don’t mention their plan to pass the postponed portion, raising bond debt to the $755  million voters just rejected.

Fact check at

Reject Prop. 1.  

LWSD is at capacity. This bond, not more portables, is LWSD’s student enrollment growth management strategy. Public input supported a lower-cost, phased-in approach. Bussing children to school at 6 a.m. does not improve community value. Neither does building classrooms that don’t meet LWSD’s education standard. As an example Monroe High School was built 15 years ago for grades 10-12 and stands incomplete. This citizen committee wants environmentally sound buildings that meet education standards. Vote Yes!

Submitted by: Susan D. Baird-Joshi, Kerri N. Nielsen, and Matt Loschen

This is no "practical first step", just half the schools at half the cost.

Still too expensive - adding $450/year on $500,000 home's taxes, on top of $660/year for existing school bonds, and much more when the postponed portion is added.

It overspends 42% rebuilding Juanita High. Remodeling instead of rebuilding would fund other schools.

Other districts build quality classrooms at half the dollars per student.

LWSD can, they just haven't.  Reject Proposition 1.

Submitted by: Mike Nykreim and Steven Swedenburg

60% yes vote and a minimum turnout of 18,503 (Washington Constitution, article VII, section 2(b))

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