We support quality schools for all of our students and teachers. We oppose this bond because it still buries us in debt, while building palaces for some, and others remain in portables and substandard buildings. With no public notice, LWSD chose to divide the bond rejected by voters – this to pass now, the rest later. No change in size or cost of projects, no correction of their teardown versus remodel philosophy, no public hearings, no input from independent architects or builders, and no attempt to build community consensus around an affordable option.
Voters deserve better. Monroe’s new high school cost less than half what LWSD spends, inflation adjusted. LWSD designs are so expansive they don’t qualify for matching state funds. The district still plans to tear down schools newer than many of our homes, including Juanita High, designed to be easily reconfigured for decades to come.
Claiming a low teaser rate, the district doesn’t disclose the sharp rise in taxes as bonds are issued, and they certainly don’t mention their plan to pass the postponed portion, raising bond debt to the $755 million voters just rejected.
Fact check at www.Not-1.com
Reject Prop. 1.