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Proposed Klahanie Annexation Area

Proposition No. 1

The Issaquah City Council is calling for an election on the proposed annexation of the Klahanie Annexation Area, which is located in unincorporated King County. If annexed, the Klahanie Annexation Area would: be subject to zoning regulations as provided in Ordinance No. 2695; assume a proportionate share of the City's then-outstanding indebtedness; and be assessed and taxed at the same rate and upon the same basis as property within the City. Shall the Klahanie Annexation Area be annexed to the City of Issaquah?


For annexation, adoption of proposed zoning regulations and assumption of proportionate share of then-outstanding indebtedness

Against annexation, adoption of proposed zoning regulations and assumption of proportionate share of then-outstanding indebtedness

Proposition No. 1 concerns the proposed annexation of the Klahanie Annexation Area to the City of Issaquah.  This area of unincorporated King County, which covers about 1,240 acres, shares a common boundary with the City of Issaquah. 


If voters approve this Proposition, the Klahanie Annexation Area will join the City of Issaquah.  If voters do not approve this Proposition, the Klahanie Annexation Area will remain in unincorporated King County.


After approval from the Boundary Review Board for King County, the Issaquah City Council recently authorized this election following a process set by state law. If this Proposition is approved by voters, property within the Klahanie Annexation Area will be subject to zoning classifications that are similar to those of King County; assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the City of Issaquah; and assume a proportionate share of the City’s then-outstanding indebtedness.


For additional questions regarding this measure contact: Wayne Tanaka - City Attorney 425-447-7000 •

We pay taxes and we deserve a say in how they are used.  As citizens of Issaquah we’ll get our say; about police services, road maintenance, traffic management, and parks/recreation – things that affect our daily lives.  Being part of our city we will have a voice!

We have not been served well by King County for our taxes paid - that will change with a vote to become part of Issaquah – Taxes will go down and our voice will go up.  Don’t be misled by the indebtedness question.   Whenever you move to or live in a city, you are responsible for their past and future debt.  Issaquah is the city where we dine, shop and conduct the essential elements of our daily lives.  Issaquah has twice invested in thorough studies of its ability to provide the same level of support to the new city if annexation occurs, and actually found that the level of support will improve!

A yes vote for annexation to Issaquah will improve the lives of the citizens in our new community and we will finally have greater political clout in state and county matters.  A vote yes is right for you and right for our city!

Klahanie is a premier Sammamish Plateau community deserving better public services and lower taxes. Many Klahanie residents asked for annexation choices. Though possible, Issaquah refused to allow the Sammamish choice.

Issaquah’s energies and revenues focus on valley-centric projects, not providing services to remote neighborhoods.  Issaquah relies heavily on bond debt, making projects more expensive.  Issaquah’s own plan for Klahanie promises little change from King County:  Ignoring needed Issaquah-Fall City Road improvements, minimal street and park maintenance, questionable drinking water stewardship, and insufficient police response – especially for Beaver Lake and Challenger school emergencies.

Sammamish can be an expedited option.  Recognized as a top residential city in America, Sammamish has no bond debt, no utility or B&O taxes, lower property taxes than King County, significant cash reserves for future projects, maintains its streets, would improve Issaquah-Fall City Road, and will provide increased, rapid police response for our neighborhoods.

Our great community deserves the best annexation options, not Issaquah’s indifference. Sammamish promises fast action to ensure the best public services, school safety, and greatest home value. For a Sammamish option, we must vote “No” on this latest attempt by Issaquah to take our tax dollars while providing minimal services in return. Vote “No”!

Sammamish was not and is not an option; Issaquah had no choice in this matter.  Issaquah has twice funded independent studies bringing facts and supportive rationale to the voters.  What has Sammamish done? Nothing! The opposition gives allegations without support, accuses without rationale, and again preys upon voters’ fears.  Issaquah is a city of annexed communities and in all cases supports them exceptionally well.  We should not have to pay taxes without receiving appropriate services.

Statement submitted by: Richard L’Heureux and Michael Foss

We’ve all met those that mean well, but didn’t have what it takes for a long-term commitment. Issaquah, you mean well, and we appreciate you’re offering the best you can afford. But look at Sammamish!  Having $70 Million in reserves, Sammamish has the financial ability to provide superior and more responsive services for fixing, maintaining, and keeping Klahanie neighborhoods safe.  Issaquah’s $37 Million in bond debt would mortgage our future.  Sorry Issaquah, we’re voting “No”.

Statement submitted by: Mark Seely and David Kappler

60% yes vote and a minimum turnout of 1,008 (RCW 35A.14.080)

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