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Northshore School District No. 417

Proposition No. 2
General Obligation Bonds - $177,500,000

The Board of Directors of Northshore School District No. 417 approved a proposition for bonds. This proposition authorizes the District to build a new high school, modernize schools and fields, make improvements to meet health, safety, and ADA mandates, acquire sites, upgrade technology infrastructure and make necessary capital improvements, to issue $177,500,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within a maximum term of 20 years, and to levy excess property taxes annually to repay the bonds, as described in Resolution No. 686. Should this proposition be:



Passage of Proposition No. 2 would allow Northshore School District No. 417 to borrow $177,500,000 by issuing general obligation bonds.  In accordance with Resolution No. 686 approving this proposition, the bonds will pay for renovations, upgrades and new construction of school facilities, and improvements to energy efficiency of school buildings in the District.  Capital projects include acquiring, constructing and equipping a new high school, Woodinville High School Phase III modernization, modernize or replace core building components including mechanical systems, flooring, building controls, roofing, boilers, circulation, security, casework and seismic upgrades, make improvements to meet health, safety, and ADA mandates, acquire sites, upgrade technology infrastructure and make necessary capital improvements.  The bonds would be repaid out of annual property tax levies over a period of up to 20 years.  The exact amount of such annual levies for these bonds would depend on the amount of principal paid each year and on the interest rates available at the time the bonds are sold.

For additional questions regarding this measure contact: Leanna Albrecht - Director of Communications 425-408-7671 •



Protect Our Community’s Investment!

Your Yes vote for the bond will provide a long-term solution to serious enrollment growth issues by building a new 9-12 high school in the north end of the district and academic benefits by moving 9th graders to high school district wide.

Similar to your home, schools need repairs to keep them safe and extend their useful lives. The bond will allow the district to make critical repairs to school roofs, boilers, and heating/ventilation systems, complete ADA work, update Internet to handle classroom technology and districtwide security improvements. It will finish the final phase of the Woodinville High School remodel.

Northshore uses taxpayer dollars wisely and has one of the highest bond ratings for a school district of its size, which equates to taxpayer savings. Support for all three measures will cost the average Northshore homeowner about an additional $5-6/month.

It’s a wise investment developed with community input that will help solve enrollment issues, maintain schools, protect property values and enhance student learning long-term.

Your Yes vote will have a lasting positive impact on students, families and our community.

Please Vote Yes on the bond to continue quality education and protect our community’s investment!

We value and support the NSD, teachers, students and the operating levies, but do not yet support the $177,500,000 bond issue for two reasons.  The first concern is inadequate disclosure of the true cost to the average homeowner over the 20 years of the bond.  The District has only disclosed the interest cost over the first 4 years.  The second concern is the District has not imposed impact fees on new development in Snohomish County.  Impact Fees are designed to pay for the cost of new facilities due to new development. Over 70% on the eligible school districts in Snohomish County have been charging impact fees over the last ten years.

We strongly support funding that maintains our tradition of high quality education in the Northshore School District. We think it would be best for NSD to revise its long-term financial strategy for capital facilities and come back soon with a more clear and comprehensive plan.

To participate further – visit the FaceBook group “Northshore Citizens for Transparent School Finances”

The district has been Transparent and Accurate in sharing financial information and projections: The district’s doesn’t qualify for mitigation fees, so it cannot collect them.

The bond will make critical repairs to schools, provide a Long-Term Solution to enrollment growth, enhance student learning and protect our community’s investment! The bond was created with community input and support. 

Your Yes Vote Will Continue Quality Education in Safe Schools. Vote Yes on the Bond and Levies!

Statement submitted by: BZ Davis and Mike Sharadin


Our concern over inadequate disclosure of true costs is shown in the Pro Statements’ claim that the measures “will cost the average Northshore homeowner about an additional $5-6/month.”  In other words, $60-72 dollars per year.

According to NSD's own calculations (page 6 of their fall newsletter), the actual cost will be roughly 4 times higher in 2018 ($269 more per year than 2013). We have requested but not received the District's estimates beyond 2018. 

Statement submitted by: Ken Smith and John Hendrickson

60% yes vote and a minimum turnout of 14,101 (Washington Constitution, article VII, section 2(b))

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