The current maintenance and operations levy funds 26 percent of the Mercer Island School District No. 400’s general fund. That levy will expire next year. Passage of Proposition No. 2 will authorize the district to renew the maintenance and operations levy. In accordance with the unanimous passage of Mercer Island School Board Resolution No. 611, the levy will pay for educational programs and services, including nearly 100 teachers and staff.
Because Washington State does not fully fund K-12 education, sustained local funding through the maintenance and operations levy is required in order to maintain the current level of educational programs in Mercer Island schools and exceeding the levels funded by the state.
The renewed levy would provide $14,250,000 (2015 collection), $15,100,000 (2016 collection), $16,000,000 (2017 collection), and $16,975,000 (2018 collection) for teaching, school supplies, athletics, transportation and educational programs and services to the extent authorized by law.
The levy would be paid out of annual property tax levies, which would increase by $0.06 per thousand dollars of assessed property value. For a Mercer Island property with an assessed value of $1 million, it would result in an increase of about $60 per year.
For additional questions regarding this measure contact: Dean Mack - CFO/COO 206-236-4522 •