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Proposition No. 1
Medic One – Emergency Medical Services Renewal of Existing Levy

The King County Council passed Ordinance No. 17598 concerning funding for the county-wide Medic One emergency medical services system. This proposition would replace an expiring levy to continue funding of Medic One emergency medical services. It would authorize King County to impose regular property tax levies of $0.335 or less per thousand dollars of assessed valuation for each of six consecutive years, with collection beginning in 2014, as provided in King County Ordinance No. 17598. Should this proposition be:



If approved by voters, Proposition No. 1 would authorize King County to levy a regular property tax at a rate not to exceed $0.335 per one thousand dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable property within the county. The levy proceeds would be used to fund county-wide Medic One emergency medical services as more fully described in Ordinance No. 17598 and RCW 84.52.069. The levy would be authorized for a six-year period, with collection beginning in 2014. The levy would be exempt from the rate limitations in RCW 84.52.043, but would be subject to the chapter 84.55 RCW limitations on levy increases in years two through six.

For additional questions regarding this measure contact: Helen Chatalas - Levy Planner, Public Health 206-263-8560 •


Renew our commitment to Medic One.

Every year, Medic One saves hundreds of lives. Last year, over 4,000 dedicated firefighters and paramedics responded to over 172,000 medical 911 calls for help (one every 3 minutes).

Medic One is recognized as one of the best emergency medical services systems in the world. Our cardiac arrest survival rate for the most common type of cardiac arrest is 57% - the highest reported anywhere and 4-5 times higher than most other communities.

The Medic One levy is not a new tax; it's a renewal of a program that provides critical emergency services for all residents of King County. King County voters have supported Medic One by passing levies for nearly 35 years.

At the proposed levy rate, the average homeowner will pay approximately $107 a year for Medic One - this is actually less than the average homeowner paid in 2008 for these same services.
The Medic One system serves nearly 2 million people in King County. We depend on Medic One to be there when we need it, 24 hours a day, every day.

Now it's our turn to be there for Medic One. Renew our commitment. Vote YES on Proposition 1.

Statement submitted by: Reagan Dunn, Denis Law and Mickey Eisenberg

Tax increases pass with simple majorities in King County but require 60% voter approval in other jurisdictions. Renters generally support spending initiatives financed with property tax increases but oppose those financed with sales tax increases, regardless of purpose. These facts explain why proposals for higher property taxes never fail and continue being sponsored. Why can't officials adopt budgets predicated on revenue from existing sources, without recurring excess levy requests? Because criminal defense law firms have carte blanche to bill taxpayers for attorney, investigator and associated staff expenses as well as for seemingly endless court appeals. You won't see councilmembers calling on Olympia to end the death penalty because doing so would compromise their trial lawyer friends' income. Also, some government services should be moved to the private sector where they could be delivered just as efficiently but more economically.

No rebuttal submitted.

More delinquent accounts will be added to the Assessor's tax rolls if homeowners remain victims of government's inefficiency and inability to prioritize and cut spending. Property taxes are too high and going higher because valuations have risen, again! Government must find other ways to deliver essential services and finance capital improvements. Instead, it says "yes" to renters and public employees, "no" to privatization and tax relief. Voters should use their ballots to proclaim "no more!"

Statement submitted by: John Shackleford

60% Yes vote with a minimum number of 234,736 yes votes (RCW 84.52.069)

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