In 1969 the East Bellevue annexation to the City of Bellevue was approved by the voters residing within the annexation boundaries. The voters also approved the creation of a community municipal corporation for the annexed area, which has a five member governing body elected by the voters, called the “community council”. The community council has authority to approve or disapprove ordinances and resolutions of the city council affecting land, buildings and structures within the community council municipal corporation with respect to the following: 1) comprehensive plan; 2) zoning ordinances; 3) conditional use permits, special exception or variances; 4) subdivision ordinances; 5) subdivision plats; and, 6) planned unit developments.
The community council may also advise, consult and cooperate with the city council on local matters directly or indirectly affecting the service area.
Under state law, the community municipal corporation may continue in existence for four year periods upon the approval of the voters within it. On February 5, 2013 the East Bellevue Community Council adopted Resolution No. 527 requesting that a proposal for continuation be placed on the ballot.
If a majority of votes is cast for continuation, the East Bellevue Community Council shall continue in existence for a four-year period. If a majority of votes is not cast for continuation, it shall cease to exist and cannot be reestablished.
[1/15/2021 3:00 PM] Elsheikh, Diane:
For additional questions regarding this measure contact: Michelle Murphy - Deputy City Clerk 425-452-6466 •