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City of Pacific

Ballot Synopsis of Recall Charges Against Mayor Cy Sun, City of Pacific

The charges made by King County registered voter Donald Thomson against Cy Sun, Mayor of the City of Pacific, allege Mayor Sun committed misfeasance in office, malfeasance in office and/or violated his oath of office by:

  1. Directing Pacific police department officers to operate as his personal police force in conducting a criminal investigation into the identity of those responsible for distributing negative information and allegations about him concerning his Echo, Oregon property, which is outside of their jurisdiction;
  1. Jeopardizing the City’s liability insurance coverage by not filling vacant department heads.

Should Mayor Sun be recalled from office based on any of these allegations?

City of Pacific Mayor Cy Sun Response to the Recall Charges

“Cy Sun, Mayor of the City of Pacific, refutes these allegations as follows:

  1. Mayor Sun continues to fight against entrenched corruption in the City of Pacific. As part of his efforts, Mayor Sun directed Pacific police officers to investigate what was a prior misuse of police resources, specifically requesting an explanation as to why officers had previously travelled outside of their jurisdiction to Oregon when not directed or approved to do so.
  1. Mayor Sun proposed candidates for department head positions that were rejected by the City Council. The City obtained insurance and there was no lapse in liability coverage.”

Recall Yes

Recall No

Simple Majority (RCW 29A.56.260)

1257 en-US Production

TTY: Relay 711

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