KCFD 45 is seeking voter approval of a Maintenance and Operations Levy of $750,000 annually to maintain service levels despite catastrophic losses in revenue. This equals approximately $0.53/1000 of valuation in 2013. A home valued at $300,000 will see an increase of $159.60 per year or $13.29 per month. This is necessary because local assessed valuation (AV) of property has decreased 35% since 2008; resulting in a cumulative revenue loss of $750,000. Up to now, the District absorbed losses through a collective use of reserve funds, the loss of a firefighter position (through attrition), and program and staffing cuts to the point that service levels (personnel) are the only viable options for additional reductions. With the uncertainty of the economy, there is not any immediate relief anticipated.
Without your help, the capabilities of the District will be reduced significantly. By the end of 2013, forced layoffs will cut available staffing. Fewer available personnel will cause delays in fire and rescue operations and eliminate the District’s ability to transport patients to the hospital; resulting in longer response and transport times by private ambulances (that charge for their service). Continued losses in revenue will lead to deeper cuts in personnel and service.
Statement submitted by: Rick Webber, Sean Ansell and Kelly Gattone