Auburn High School Needs Our Attention
Immediate attention is required for degraded infrastructure and physical plant (roofs, heating systems, plumbing, and electrical). New facility will save $250,000 annually in utility and maintenance costs.
Citizen’s Ad Hoc Committee Recommendation
The bond issue provides resources to reconstruct and modernize Auburn High on the existing site. The project replaces approximately 240,000 square feet of existing buildings, and expands parking for access to facilities used by the community. The current Automotive Technology building and Performing Arts Center will remain and be improved.
New Educational Standards
Building on Auburn High School’s strong program legacy, the new building will provide modern learning environments, improved technology, health, safety, security, and access for disabled individuals while ensuring school taxes remain unchanged. This new facility will be equivalent to other high schools in the district.
The cost of new building, with reimbursement of state matching funds, is equal to the remodel costs, but provides a greater return on the investment for the future.
Vote “Yes” to assure quality education and facilities for all kids now and into their future.
Statement submitted by: Ryan Anderson and Kelly McDonald