The City of Normandy Park relies on property taxes to provide basic services such as police protection, street and sidewalk construction, and facility maintenance.
Over the last decade, the City’s property tax revenues have not kept up with inflation, mandates by state and federal government, and the demand for services from City residents. Since 2002, inflation has risen by 26% while property taxes have gone up by only 8%. State law limits increases in City property taxes to 1% per year without a public vote.
Normandy Park’s 2012 property tax levy rate is approximately $1.31 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. If this measure is passed into law, the City will be authorized to levy up to $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, an increase of approximately 29 cents per $1,000. This will make Normandy Park’s property tax rate approximately the same as in surrounding cities. This increase will allow the City to keep providing services, including police, street and sidewalk construction, and facility maintenance at current levels. Currently 9% of the average household’s property tax bill goes to the City of Normandy Park. The proposed increase applies only to the taxes that go to the City, and not to the remainder of the tax bill.
To live within its means, the City of Normandy Park has cut staffing levels, frozen wages, deferred street and facility maintenance, implemented efficiencies, and explored other revenue options. If this measure is not approved, further cuts in police and other City services will be necessary.