If it’s so important to have good roads, then why hasn't the City funded them in the first place?
There’s no need for higher taxes. The money is there. This year the Council has access to $449,372,936 million. This levy is not necessary.
The City’s budget grows every year at a rate three times faster than our cost of living. Fixed income people are hurt the most. Wage earners need money to maintain and improve their quality of life. We don’t need additional tax burdens in this economy.
Three property levies are on our ballots: One County and two from the City. They add up. Currently our tax money is distributed at the rate of 9.66/1,000 AV. It will go to 10.094 if they all pass, a 4% increase.
The City’s budget has never been less than the year before even in hard times. It keeps growing. To fix the problem, all the City needs to do is fund the necessary functions of government first ahead of others. They give away too much of our money.
Let’s keep our quality of life. Vote NO to require street funding be giving the priority it deserves without raising taxes.