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City of Kirkland
Proposition No. 1
Levy for City Street Maintenance and Pedestrian Safety

The Kirkland City Council adopted Ordinance No. 4364 concerning a proposition for a street improvement levy rate increase. To fund street maintenance and safety improvements for neighborhood streets and arterials, including resurfacing, pothole repair, pedestrian safety improvements, traffic calming projects, school walk routes, sidewalks and crosswalks, the City’s regular property tax levy shall be increased permanently by $.204 per $1,000 of assessed value for collection beginning in 2013 and such amount shall be used for the purpose of computing the limitations for subsequent levies provided under RCW ch. 84.55. Should this proposition be:



The City of Kirkland is asking voters to decide whether to increase property taxes by a levy rate of 20.4 cents ($0.204) per $1,000 of assessed value to raise $3 million annually to invest in the repair of arterial and neighborhood streets and to enhance pedestrian and traffic safety near schools, in neighborhoods, and along transit routes.


Levy funds will be used to repair potholes, resurface streets, and restore or replace approximately 90 lane-miles of arterial streets and will enable the City to conduct preventive maintenance on 650 lane-miles of local and neighborhood streets.  The levy will enable the City to add safe walking routes around Kirkland elementary and middle schools, enhance bicycle routes, and upgrade and add 50 new crosswalks with more visible energy-efficient warning lights throughout the community.  Safety improvements on eight key transit corridors and the installation of traffic calming devices to address neighborhood identified needs within Kirkland neighborhoods would be provided.  The levy will be used solely to extend the life of Kirkland’s street system, reduce maintenance costs, and improve the overall safety of Kirkland’s system of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. 


If approved by voters, the City estimates that this permanent levy would result in additional property taxes of $70.58 per year ($5.88 per month) for a home with a median assessed valuation of $346,000.  Annual increases for collection after 2013 are limited to a maximum of one percent per year as governed by RCW ch. 84.55.

Proposition 1 is our opportunity to improve the quality and safety of our streets and pedestrian routes, a key component of keeping Kirkland a vibrant community.

  • Deferred maintenance is expensive, and Prop 1 delivers value by reducing the need for more costly repairs later.
  • Prop 1 is our only option, given State restrictions, declining general tax revenues, and a lean City balance sheet. Our City leaders have already done everything possible to trim any fat from the budget.
  • With Prop 1, families and children will be assured of safe walk routes near schools.
  • New technology signals at crosswalks will improve pedestrian safety.
  • Because there will be an annual report on how the money is being spent, voters are assured our leaders will be accountable.

Kirkland residents have clearly stated that traffic improvements, the quality of our streets, and safe walking routes are among our top priorities. Prop 1 is supported by community leaders, business leaders, and experts in health and safety, and is endorsed by the Kirkland Chamber of Commerce, Transportation Choices Coalition, For Kirkland, and the Cascade Bicycle Club.


If it’s so important to have good roads, then why hasn't the City funded them in the first place?


There’s no need for higher taxes.  The money is there.  This year the Council has access to $449,372,936 million.  This levy is not necessary.


The City’s budget grows every year at a rate three times faster than our cost of living.  Fixed income people are hurt the most. Wage earners need money to maintain and improve their quality of life.  We don’t need additional tax burdens in this economy.


Three property levies are on our ballots: One County and two from the City.  They add up.  Currently our tax money is distributed at the rate of 9.66/1,000 AV.  It will go to 10.094 if they all pass, a 4% increase. 


The City’s budget has never been less than the year before even in hard times.  It keeps growing.  To fix the problem, all the City needs to do is fund the necessary functions of government first ahead of others.  They give away too much of our money. 


Let’s keep our quality of life.  Vote NO to require street funding be giving the priority it deserves without raising taxes.

Keeping Kirkland a great community costs money. Our City receives only 1/7 of our total property taxes. Prop 1 is money spent at home, and will increase taxes less than 2%. Kirkland HAS CUT expenses, but our budget grows as our City grows. Prop 1 is the only way to assure roads that Kirkland residents say they want. Running a city is like running a home. Maintenance costs money. Deferred maintenance costs even more.

Statement submitted by:
Norman Storme, Charles Pilcher and Tod Johnson

The Levy is a list of neglected responsibilities, a failure to make responsible decisions regarding streets.  


There are millions already in the budget.  To save our quality of life, the City needs to fund streets not by raising our taxes but by restoring responsibility.  


Streets should not take a back seat.  Let’s protect and enhance our quality of life.  To have good streets and a good quality of life without additional taxes, vote NO.


Statement submitted by: Robert Style

Simple Majority (RCW 84.55.050)
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