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Tukwila School District No. 406
Proposition No. 1
Replacement of Expiring School Programs and Operation Levy

The Board of Directors of Tukwila School District No. 406 adopted Resolution No. 789, concerning a proposition for a replacement levy for education. This proposition would authorize the District to support school programs and operation expenses, including teaching, school supplies, technology, athletics, transportation and facility maintenance and operations, by levying the following excess taxes, in place of an expiring levy, on all taxable property within the District:


Levy Rate/$1,000 Assessed Value

2013$3.46$  9,631,277

all as provided in Resolution No. 789. Should this proposition be approved?



Tukwila School District is asking voters to consider Proposition 1, a Replacement of Expiring School Programs and Operation Levy, which would help fund school programs and operations, including, but not limited to, teaching, school supplies, technology, athletics, transportation and facility maintenance and operations, and other school programs and operation expenses.  The proposed levy will replace the District’s current levy approved by the voters in 2008 that expires in the year 2012.


Taxes collected by the proposed levy will provide approximately 27% of the District’s General Fund budget, including mandated programs not funded by the state.


Passage of this proposition would authorize the collection of taxes to provide $9,631,277 in 2013; $10,112,788 in 2014; $10,618,428 in 2015; and $11,149,349 in 2016.  If authorized, these property taxes would be collected at an estimated tax levy rate of $3.46 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2013, increasing to an estimated $3.85 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2016.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to homeowners who are 61 or older, or disabled, and who meet certain income requirements.  For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206.296.3920.

The levy is not a new tax.

It will renew the existing levy, which ends this year. Voters will need to approve a new levy to continue supporting school programs for another four years.


Adequate state funding is not a reality.

We must rely on levy dollars to maintain quality programs. These funds account for 27% of the school district budget. Without it, programs and projects such as art, music, foreign language, athletics, English language learner programs and gifted programs will be reduced or eliminated. Levy revenue pays for additional teachers to maintain lower class sizes, school nurses, and classroom instructional assistants.


Our unique tax base benefits residents.

Commercial property owners provide a significant amount of the total tax payment for the levy. That's a bargain of an investment for homeowners.


Our children are our future.

So much of our lives are dependant upon those who come after us.  If we fail to educate our children, we do so at our peril. Good schools enhance the value and quality of our community and neighborhoods.


On Feb.14 we will determine whether we’ll continue to put kids first by passing the Tukwila School Programs and Operations Levy. Vote Yes!



Statement submitted by: Ed Hougardy, Colleen Richards and Peggy Ives McCarthy  •

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple Majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))
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