Washington State Law, at RCW 52.14.015, allows increasing the board of commissioners of a fire protection district from three to five, with voter approval. The two additional positions would be filled by registered voters who reside anywhere within the fire district. For approval, such a proposition requires a simple majority of the registered voters casting ballots on the measure.
The Board of Fire Commissioners for the Enumclaw Fire Department (Fire District #28) has passed a resolution determining that it would be in the best interest of the district and its citizens to increase the number of fire commissioners from three to five. The resolution states that the purpose of the measure is to encourage broader participation in the decision making function of the Board. Adding two fire commissioners to the Board would increase representation from the community.
With changes in service and increasing service demands, the fire department finds the provision of services becomes more complex. A larger Board of elected officials will help to deal with this increasing complexity. This change will allow the Commissioners to appoint committees of the Board to study issues for presentation to the full Board.