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Seattle Transportation Benefit District

Proposition No. 1
Increased Vehicle License Fee

The Seattle Transportation Benefit District’s Proposition No. 1 concerns an increased Vehicle License Fee for transportation improvements.  If approved, this proposition would fund transportation facilities and services benefitting the City of Seattle, including: transportation system repairs, maintenance and safety improvements; transit improvements to increase speed, reliability and access; and pedestrian, bicycle and freight mobility programs, all as provided in STBD Resolution No. 5.  It would authorize a $60 increase in the Vehicle License Fee beginning in 2012, allowing collection of approximately $20.4 million annually for ten years.  Should this proposition be approved?



If approved, this proposition imposes a $60 vehicle license fee (VLF) for a ten-year period on qualifying vehicles registered to owners within the Seattle Transportation Benefit District (STBD).  The STBD and the City of Seattle have the same boundaries.

The additional money would be used to contract with the City to provide for transportation improvements as follows:

  1. Approximately 29% will be allocated for transportation system repair, maintenance and safety.
  2. Approximately 49% will be allocated for implementing transit speed, reliability and access improvement projects and programs.
  3. Approximately 22% will be allocated for implementing pedestrian, bicycle and freight mobility projects and programs.

The STBD anticipates that City’s Department of Transportation will submit a spending plan each year for STBD’s review and approval in adopting an annual budget.  The revenues from the additional $60 VLF fee will be spent consistent with planned spending priorities, included in Attachment A to STBD Resolution No. 5 (available online at

The STBD may change the planned spending priorities or the Percentage Allocations through a majority vote held during a public meeting of the STBD Board.

The STBD may impose a vehicle license fee (VLF) of up to $100.  The STBD previously imposed a $20 VLF, with collection beginning on May 1, 2011.  The additional $60 VLF proposed by this measure would expire after ten years.  These amounts are exclusive of any VLF imposed by the state or county.

For more information about the STBD or this measure please visit the STBD website:

Keep Seattle Moving — vote YES on Proposition 1.

Seattle’s economic future and our quality of life depend on a safe, efficient transportation system.

Demand for fast, reliable transit is growing and we need affordable alternatives to high gas prices. But transit funding has not kept up. Tim Eyman initiatives have eliminated many traditional transportation funding sources. 

Designed by a citizen panel and independent experts, Proposition 1 will make needed, immediate improvements:

  • Fund speed and reliability enhancements on major transit corridors throughout Seattle.  Dedicated bus lanes, pavement repairs and priority signals will move buses up to 20% faster and more reliably. 
  • Expand the electric bus network to provide more service at lower cost with less pollution. 
  • Improve safety and neighborhood access to transit.  
  • Repave and repair local streets to make them work better for everyone. Fix thousands more potholes every year.   
  • Increase safety for everyone with new sidewalks, better crosswalks, family-friendly bike infrastructure and other improvements. 

Proposition 1 is affordable.  It expires in 10 years. A citizens’ oversight panel will guarantee accountability. 

Proposition 1 is supported by transit, pedestrian and bicycle advocates, business and neighborhood leaders, and many of your neighbors.

Vote YES on Proposition 1.  

In these uncertain economic times, we must prioritize our spending. Each of the following three items receives about the same funding (between $1.5 and $1.9 million/year) in this measure.

  • 30 street spot (pothole) fixes
  • 9 new block faces of sidewalks
  • 124 “bicycle parking spots”, 4.5 miles of bike lanes, and 6 miles of bike route signage

Does this balance match your priorities for Seattle’s urgent transportation needs? We believe this balance is wrong. We urge you to join us in voting ‘no’ this election and help us work for a better proposal in 2012.

Elementary school kids in north and southeast Seattle are walking to school in the middle of the street because of lack of sidewalks. Seattle is spending record amounts to reimburse drivers for pothole damage. Yet this proposal specifically allocates money for only 30 street spot repairs and 9 block faces of sidewalks per year. This measure needs more sidewalks, more street repairs, and more bus service to neighborhoods.

Voters rejected an unbalanced road and transit levy in 2007 and approved a better package in 2008. Reject this measure and help us achieve a more balanced and affordable proposal.

Visit to learn more.

Proposition 1 is a balanced proposal that makes needed investments benefitting everyone who depends on an efficient transportation system, including transit riders, commuters and pedestrians.

Faster, better transit throughout Seattle: With transit ridership going up everyday, Proposition 1 will help our buses move faster and more reliably.

Proposition 1 makes needed, immediate investments that will benefit everyone. Proposition 1 will invest in pothole repair, repaving our roads, new sidewalks, safer crosswalks and new signals.

Statement submitted by: Ref Lindmark, Sharon Lee and Charlie Royer  •

$60 is affordable for some, but it’s horribly regressive. The low-income owner of a $700 car pays the same as the owner of a $70,000 car.

Imbalanced. No allocation for the 60% of Seattle’s bridges in poor (or worse) condition. Less than 50% is specified for our $1.5 billion backlog in roads/sidewalks. No guarantees in this for more.

This $204 million tax has few specifics so proponents can promise anything. Voters deserve more specific legislation.

Statement submitted by: David Miller, Rusty Williams and Brad Cummings  •

Simple Majority (RCW 36.73.065)

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