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City of Pacific

Proposition No. 1
Levy Lid Lift for Street Improvements

The City Council of the City of Pacific, adopted Resolution No. 1076 concerning a property tax levy increase for street improvements.  If approved, this proposition would (1) increase the regular property tax levy above the increase allowed under Ch. 84.55 RCW, to a total rate of $1.66396/$1,000 assessed value for collection in 2012;  (2) increase the 2013-2017 maximum permitted levy amounts by inflation (measured by CPI); and (3) dedicate the increase to purchasing street repair and improvement materials.  This measure expires after 2017. 

Should this proposition be: 




Proposition No. 1 would provide funding of the purchase of materials only for the repair of Pacific Streets.  The “levy lid” (chap. 84.55 RCW) limits annual property taxes to 101% of the City’s previous highest levy amount, plus certain adjustments (e.g., new construction), unless voters approve a proposition for a greater increase. This proposition would authorize an increase of $0.22260/$1,000 over the 2011 levy rate, which was $1.44136/$1,000 assessed value. If approved, the levy rate for collection in 2012 would be no greater than $1.66396/$1,000 and is based on 2011 assessed values. If approved, the “levy lid” expires in 2017.

It is time to move forward and repair our streets. We cannot afford more delay; cheaper to repair now before more roads degrade, and damage happens.  Twenty Two cents is dedicated strictly to road repair per thousand.  Dedicated to material only; chip seal, crack repair, and over lays. Moneys can also be used for State and Federal matching grants to facilitate additional needed road repair. Poor roads are a public safety issue; they effect economic development, quality of life, the environment, wild life, and property values. This is a six year renewable plan with voter’s approval after 2017. This is better than a $20 permanent car tab fee. With inflation and hard times, the City cannot afford to take any more cuts in budget for needed road repairs. This would result in extremely poor customer service, and public safety.  This is your City, take care of it. Vote yes on Prop.1 Levy Lid Lift.

While most citizens have adjusted spending to get through the tough times, the City Council is asking for more money. This increase in taxes relieves the Council from the responsibility of making cuts in lean times. The Council should maintain the City streets with the taxes they have.  Asking for the increase for six years is misleading.  After six years the voters are going to be asked again to renew the levy. For 2011, the Council raised property taxes to the maximum they were allowed.  Now the Pacific Council is asking for 15% more.  After six years do you think they will somehow be able to balance the General Fund budget without that 15% increase?  It’s time to send a message to the Pacific Council that the voters absolutely insist they control their spending.  Vote NO on Prop.1 Levy Lid Lift.

The city of Pacific cannot afford to pay for street repairs due to cost cutting measures already in place due to lean times. They are asking for 22 cents per thousand which is dedicated strictly to road repair, dedicated to materials only. Poor roads are a public safety hazard, effect economic development, quality of life, and property values. This Is Your City, Take Care Of It. Vote yes on Prop.1 Levy Lid Lift.

Statement submitted by: Barbara Lourdes, William Brodersen and Wayne Strong  •  253-833-7855

Asking citizens to pay 15% more in city property taxes because the City Council couldn’t make their General Fund budget “work” is wrong.  Though some street improvements may be delayed, street repairs will still take place.  Public safety is not at risk.  The Council needs to work within the budget.  They need to prioritize and belt-tighten, just like the rest of us are doing.  Vote NO on Prop. 1.

Statement submitted by: Jeanne Fancher, Tracey Apata and Shellee Hixon  •  253-833-0977

Simple Majority (RCW 84.55.050)

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