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Proposed Fairwood Annexation Area

Proposition No. 1
Annexation to the City of Renton

The Renton City Council received a petition to annex property to the City of Renton and passed a resolution calling for an election on the question. This measure would authorize annexation of that property, generally referred to as the Fairwood Annexation Area, to the City of Renton. Shall that area in unincorporated King County known as the Fairwood Annexation Area, as legally described in Resolution No. 4028, be annexed to the City of Renton?



If this Proposition is approved by the voters, the area known as the “Fairwood Annexation Area” could become part of the City of Renton. The exact date that annexation would be effective would be established by the Renton City Council. Services currently provided that will not change because of annexation include: the Renton School District or Kent School District; Soos Creek Water and Sewer District; Cedar River Water District; King County Library System; Fire District #37; and Renton’s provision of fire and emergency medical services protection within Fire District #40. The local garbage collector will remain the same for a period of at least seven years. The City will provide other municipal services, including police protection, street and storm drainage facility operation, construction and maintenance, traffic management, building and land use permitting, parks and recreation, and neighborhood and economic development programs. Upon annexation, all property within the annexation area will be subject to City comprehensive planning and zoning as determined through an open public process prior to the annexation’s effective date. Property within the annexation area will not be required to assume the City’s existing voting indebtedness, and upon annexation, would be assessed and taxed on the same basis and at the same rate as property within Renton. This Proposition will be approved if a simple majority of all votes are cast in favor of the Proposition.


The Fairwood Annexation Area is approximately 4,479 acres, bounded by SE 162nd Place on the north, 128th Avenue SE on the west, SE 208th Street on the south and extending east to the King County Urban Growth Boundary.

Vote FOR Annexation into the City of Renton. Renton offers increased local services, greater local control, and lower taxes. The alternative is to have service levels continue to erode by remaining unincorporated. Renton and King County officials support annexation.

• As Renton residents, we will see a dramatic increase in police services including two patrol districts, traffic officers, detectives, and proactive police units. King County has reduced Sheriff’s Department staffing, and these cutbacks will only continue. Crime is on the increase in Fairwood – we need more police officers now.

• Our Fairwood Library, Fire Service, Schools and street addresses will not change.

• Fairwood will have city employees to handle code enforcement, land use, planning, parks, recreation, road repair and maintenance.

• Fairwood will have a voice at City Hall and be participants in local government decisions and planning.

• Taxes will not increase for these increased services. A typical Fairwood house will pay LESS – including a reduction in property taxes – through annexation.

King County has made it clear that it cannot provide adequate services to Fairwood. Annexation to Renton is clearly the best option to protect the future for our citizens, businesses, police and local services, and pocketbooks.

Now is not the time to annex. Renton’s heavy dependence on sales tax combined with historically low tax revenues has resulted in continual budget shortfalls. Fairwood’s tax dollars will help to backfill Renton’s ongoing budget shortfalls, rather than funding needed improvements in Fairwood.

Annexation to Renton will result in new taxes.

• 6% utility tax on your electricity, gas, cable, home and cellular phones, garbage, internet, etc.

• Additional taxation to build two new libraries. You already pay for the Fairwood library through existing bond measures.

Fairwood loses control over services such as emergency response and garbage.

• Renton administrators previously suggested reducing Fairwood fire protection by 50%, including relocating Fairwood’s aid car to Benson Hill

• Renton cut garbage pickup to every other week

Historically, Renton has neglected outlaying neighborhoods in favor of downtown redevelopment. Has Cascade improved since annexation? A new Hooters? Renton Highlands has deteriorated for years. The Renton Housing Authority recently purchased land in Fairwood targeted for low income housing. Be wary of empty promises!

Reduction in services and new taxes. How else will Fairwood change with annexation? Keep Fairwood, Fairwood, and avoid Renton’s chronic problems. Vote NO Prop 1.

State law requires no changes for fire services after annexation.  The aid car isn’t going anywhere.  Staffing at Fairwood Station won’t change.

Your overall tax bill will be lower after annexation – and police and local services will improve.  With King County, we will pay continuously higher taxes for continuously reduced services.

Fairwood doesn’t have local control now – we rely on budget-strapped King County in Seattle.  With Renton, we get true local control.  Vote FOR annexation.

Statement submitted by: Linda Sartnurak, Doug Gibbs and Marcia Holland-Risch • 206-499-4957

Proponents tout reduced taxes with Renton. Be wary! Property taxes may initially be lower, but there WILL be new fees and taxes on your utilities and businesses from day one! Renton will be forced to raise taxes to balance their budget.

“Greater local control” is just false! Giving control to a city focused on downtown growth is detrimental for a bedroom community like ours.

Do your homework before voting:

Vote NO on Prop 1.

Statement submitted by: Scott Helfen, Chris Shults and John Wruble

Simple majority (RCW 35A.14.080)

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