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King County Fire Protection District No. 28

Proposition No. 1

Fire District 28 passed Resolution No. 10-003 and the city of Enumclaw passed Ordinance No. 2445 both concerning annexation of the city of Enumclaw into Fire District 28. Shall the city of Enumclaw be annexed to and be a part of fire protection district 28?



The City Council of Enumclaw has passed an ordinance, calling for the annexation of the City into King County Fire Protection District No. 28 for fire protection and emergency medical services (EMS) only. The Boundary Review Board for King County has approved the proposal and the King County Council has approved it for this ballot.

For many years, the City of Enumclaw and District 28 have operated as one fire department, under a contract in which the city acted as “lead agency”. On November 2, 2010 the voters of the City of Enumclaw will also vote on whether to combine formally, with the fire district being the “lead agency”. Otherwise the joint fire department will not change in any noticeable way, with all services remaining the same as before. This would result in one taxing district for fire and EMS only.

There will be no change in the delivery of services; administration will be centralized at the Enumclaw Fire Station as before. Employees of the City of Enumclaw Fire Department will become District No. 28 employees.

The Enumclaw Fire Department and King County Fire District #28 currently fall under the direction of The City of Enumclaw and the elected board of fire commissioners.

Annexation is really a common sense measure reducing the number of people involved in the administration of The Fire Department, resulting in streamlining The Fire Department and improving it’s effectiveness within the community. Annexation would allow The Fire District to focus on it’s main responsibility, which is to provide a cost effective level of service to all citizens in the city and the fire district. Another advantage for annexation is that state laws provide distinct taxing advantages for fire districts. These resources continue to generate funding mechanisms which will stabilize and secure a level of service. The cities of Maple Valley, Sumner, Puyallup, and Orting have already annexed to their local fire districts to take advantage of more simplistic forms of government.

Through this annexation process The City of Enumclaw would become a part of Fire District #28, which will help in developing one cost effective department which would be responsible for fire protection, emergency services and rescue operations.

Statement submitted by: Larry Jensen (360-825-5332), Rick Cardoza (360-825-0169) and Lane Weathers

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple majority in the city of Enumclaw and in King County Fire Protection District No. 28 (RCW 52.04.071)

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